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Placement supervisors are people records with specific 'Supervisor' Roles that can be linked to a placement. They can be of type 'Clinical' or 'Educational'. A placement can have 1 or many of each type. Create, Read, Update and Delete of Placement Supervisors within each Placement is required.

Refer to the Story in the list below for the requirements.

TIS Stories/Tasks

key summary type updated assignee priority status

Back End changes

New link table PlacementSupervisor (partially finished version exists in TCS - clear and start again)

Should include SupervisorType - (valid values 'Clinical Supervisor' and 'Educational Supervisor')

New endpoint to support the new table List+CRUD

Suggest a new endpoint on Person, to allow the Placement Supervisor dropdowns to search just Person records with the appropriate roles (see below) and to just return Person Firstname/Lastname/(GMC?)/PersonID to the dropdown rather than the full wide Person List dataset

People Roles to filter for Educational and Clinical Supervisors (separately to each other) agreed with DQ Leads:

 ES and CS Filtered Roles List RUN 13-04-2018.xlsx

Consolidated ETL changes to bring in existing supervisors from Intrepid DR - vwPlacementSupervisor

TIS-NDW ETL changes to write out vwPlacementSupervisor with the fields we have - some flattened Placement, Person and Post data within it

Front End changes

Suggest a new paragraph section called 'Supervisor' within Placement (at the bottom?)

Suggest splitting into two dropdowns - one for Educational Supervisor, another for Clinical Supervisor - then we can have two multiselect controls which just load a filtered, searchable list of People

Discussion points

  1. Intrepid vwPlacementSupervisor has Startdate, Enddate and Supervisorstatus (with some inactive) - do we need to support any of these? DQ leads have agreed in #data_quality that we don't need any of these which simplifies the link table and the UI
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