Communication, Understanding and Awareness | Trainees find it challenging to understand the relationship between Deanery and HEE (NHSE). Unclear guidelines on the duration of LTFT approval and potential pay implications. Lack of clarity on the revised CCT end date and limited local resources for trainee support. Trainees not seeking guidance from HEE LTFT Admin / HEE websites in the first place, relying on colleagues or schools. Some trainees applying without discussions with TPD/ES. Inadequate communication between HEE and Trusts regarding trainee rotation planning and post-funding.
| Develop clear communication channels and materials to explain the relationship between Deanery and HEE to trainees. Provide comprehensive training sessions or enhanced materials to support trainees understand the entire LTFT process, including the roles of different entities involved. Conduct regular training sessions for trainees, TPDs, and other stakeholders on the LTFT process. Increase awareness among trainees about the availability of online resources and guidance and impacts of training as LTFT. Provide support and clear guidance to trainees for calculating revised CCT. Establish a defined process for communication between HEE, Trusts, and TPDs regarding trainee rotation planning and capacity. Encourage early discussions between Trusts, TPDs, Deans, and Local Offices on post-funding and other relevant matters that impacts LTFT.
Application Process | Lack of defined processes for discussing impacts LTFT has on training with TPD/ES. Short notice on application processing leading to complaints from Medical Staffing. Limited control over LTFT process by Local Offices where trainees able to apply at any time without application window/s. Different processes used in different local offices and sometimes also differs by specialty within a Local Office with different roles assigned to the approval
| Establish a clear SLA (Service Level Agreement) for processing applications and communicate / make available to trainees. To provide and make accessible to trainees updates on the status of their applications. Explore the possibility of a more user-friendly and universally compatible application form, possibly moving away from the current Word or PDF forms used in most Local Offices.
Forms and Signatures | Difficulty with the Adobe PDF format for LTFT forms, creating compatibility issues. Some Local Offices requiring multiple forms either per specialty or within same specialty for different use cases. Lack of Accessible forms by most Local Offices therefore requiring admin support to complete in cases of accessibility needs. Where an online form is provided, it is not possible to save and return back at a later time. Errors in re-calculating new CCT dates leading to submission with incorrect information. Number of signatures required by some LOs in the approval chain in order to submit an application. Trainees submitting forms with missing signatures, causing delays. Mandatory form fields, but trainees can progress with incomplete information, requiring follow-up and adding delays.
| Explore the possibility of creating a streamlined, single, user-friendly, accessible and error-resistant online form for LTFT applications. Ensure that the online form has mandatory fields with proper validation checks to prevent missing or incorrect information. Eliminate the requirement for multiple signatures and complex approval process by establishing clear roles and responsibilities for the approval part that is nationally aligned. E.g. Whether this might mean creating policies that put the onus on TPDs to approve applications nationally following a certain set of criteria.
Categorisation, Triage and Processing | Ad-hoc triaging of applications due to a surge in requests for flexible training. Manual verification and processing of forms leading to delays. Ad-hoc prioritisation of applications due to non-existent or unclear local processes. No differentiation in processing based on reasons such as Childcare/ Disability /Health by some LO’s due to volume. Challenges in requesting confidential documentation. (e.g. OH or GP notes, does BMA warrant the physical evidence of those being disclosed in their entirety? Based on IG rules - You need consent or an alternative legal basis to use a person's health and care information for non-care purposes.)
| Establish a standardised triage process & criteria for prioritising applications based on specific criteria (e.g., Childcare / Disability / Health reasons over wellbeing) aligned with/Updating National SOP and GMC Gold Guide to reflect. Establish clear roles and responsibilities for the approval part that is nationally aligned, eliminating duplication and unnecessary admin. Whether this might mean putting the onus on TPDs to approve applications nationally following a certain set of criteria.
Approval, Monitoring and Expectation management | Different processes used in different local offices and sometimes also differs by specialty within a Local Office with different roles assigned to the approval Insufficient monitoring of applications, especially in specialty and dental fields. Lack of SLA published to trainees on processing applications, causing uncertainty for trainees. No transparent way to track application status by both trainees and internally Challenges in monitoring applications, especially when submitted with less than 12 weeks' notice.
| Clearly define and communicate the responsibilities and roles of different parties and NHSE LTFT teams in the approval process. Establish a streamlined process that works for all Local Offices along with clearly defined roles and LTFT Team within NHSE . Establish a robust means & SLAs to monitor, track and report on LTFT applications internally. Provide regular reports on application statistics, including the number of applications received and processed.
Data Management, Validation and Reporting | Reliance on manual spreadsheets and moving application forms across local SharePoint folders leading to administrative burden and errors. Mandatory form fields, but trainees can progress with incomplete information, requiring follow-up and adding delays. Issues with shared folders and sync problems for supporting documentation. Lack of tangible data on application numbers, relying on TIS.
| Streamline the data management process by reducing the reliance on manual spreadsheets. Consider a more secure and efficient data storage facility to handle supporting documentation and eliminating sync issues.
Rejections, Appeals and Re-applications | Lack of a clear appeals process for rejected applications and managing expectations. Trainees having to reapply due to rejection or submitting applications outside the specified window. Rejections aren’t always following GMC Gold Guide or National SOP guidelines, e.g. application outside window. Rejections based on insufficient supporting evidence without clear guidelines.
| Implement an Appeals Process with clear guidelines and a team / resource with defined roles for handling appeals. Consider the implementation of BMA proposed LTFT Champions being involved early in the process to narrow down factors leading to rejections and reapplications. Does BMA warrant the supporting evidences (e.g. OH and GP Notes) being disclosed in their entirety? Depending on the outcome of this, rejections needs to be reviewed if still relevant going forward.
Complexity in Work Pattern Negotiation | Delay in negotiating work patterns until HEE/NHSE approval is received. vs. some Local Offices receiving plans from TPD’s prior to notice being given to HEE. LTFT trainees potentially having more ARCPs than full-time counterparts.
| All the points in “Communication, Understanding and Awareness” Consider factoring in clear guidelines for LTFT trainees in relation to ARCP and making the information available and accessible across all channels.
Review and Continuous Improvement | | Consider forming a dedicated team or committee (involving TIS Team members and LTFT leads/ Deans / TPDs / HoS) to regularly oversee LTFT processes and address emerging challenges iteratively. Periodically review the LTFT process, gather feedback from trainees and stakeholders, and make necessary improvements incrementally.
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