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The table below is a collection of requirements, considerations, must have's and must not's, process, features and functionality gathered from workshops with Trainee doctors for the 'Trainee Application'.

Workshop(s) feedback ordered by most recent date

Birmingham: Trainee workshop 17/05/19


Ann Paraiso:
Anuradha Kumar:
Clara Obanor:
Damilola Ogunrinde
Diana Aguirre:
Leman Mutlu:
Muhamed Aslam Khan:
Nidhi Gupta:
Olayinka Kowobari:
Saadia Afzal:
Shazia Zara Jaulim:

User Groups with accessibility considerations (We worked through their user group and created personas around accessibility and colleagues with disabilities, so to think around those edge cases as well as your 'tech-savvy able-bodied' trainee Dr) 

Junior DoctorsOccupational HealthMedical StudentsNew ConsultantsFoundations DoctorsPublic Health TraineesAdminsLead EmployerEducational SupervisorsHR
  • Language barriers
  • Dexterity issues and disabilities
  • No tech experience
  • Read-only
  • Read-only
  • Personal information needs to be editable
  • Forms
  • Read-only
  • Personal information needs to be editable
  • Forms
Need to investigate if this syncs with e-portfolio and their needs
  • Read-only
  • Personal information needs to be editable
  • Forms
  • Full access
  • Bi-directional information updates
  • Read-only
  • Bi-directional information updates
  • Read-only
  • Bi-directional information updates
  • Read-only
  • Bi-directional information updates

User Personas

NameBarack Obama
RoleTrainee in NHS
BasedRoyal Stoke Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent
  • International Med Graduate
  • Did MBBS in 2010 in China
  • Worked for WHO for 5 years in different parts of the world
  • Loves food
Tech stories
  • Basic skills
  • Not a social media user
  • Some language support around different dialects and accents
  • Understanding academic and professional cultural differences
  • Help with exams and training
  • An alternate form of evidence of competencies previously achieved
  • Being judged and misunderstood
  • Missing information in the conversation
  • Regarding communication and information governance
  • Being unaware of systems in general and expecting to know how to use them
  • Complaints and how to deal with them
  • Using the app at work
  • Home address
  • Ward rounds
  • On Calls
  • Clinics
  • Training & Teaching responsibilities
  • Update portfolio and engage with ES/CS
NameMibo Smith
RoleEducational Supervisor
  • Specialty is Neurology
  • Born in Germany so English second language
  • Very efficient
  • A hobby is trekking and hiking
  • Cycles to work
  • Special interest in CID
Tech storiesGood typing speed and uses their smartphone a lot
  • Access to the trainee(s)
  • Formal and informal updates by trainees
  • To know what the trainee needs
  • To be actively involved in trainees progress
  • For a trainee to know when he uses the app or updates something for them
  • Must be easy to use
  • To have a good back up system
  • Password support
  • Doesn't want a repetitive system
  • Can access calendars and forms 
  • Allows the trainees to communicate through the app
  • To complete forms on time
  • To be aware of my trainee's needs
  • To ensure my trainees succeed
  • To ensure the trainee is working according to contract
NameSue Smith
BasedBI Birmingham
  • Working-class
  • Clubbing 
  • HR Business studies
Tech storiesMobile and computer use daily, at home very social on media
  • Team HR Personel
  • Office/hot desking
  • Electronic devices
  • Charging points
  • Access to employee data
  • Regular cups of tea
  • Rest breaks
  • Complaints
  • Deadlines
  • Cost putting
  • Changes to contracts
  • No toilet access nearby
  • Sedentary job
  • Does my lipstick need touching up
  • Communication
  • Engagement
  • Complete deadlines
  • Audit
  • Complex paperwork
NameProfessor Green
RoleARCP Panel (External assessor)
BasedWest Midlands
  • Ph.D. in Plant biology
Tech stories
  • Single finger typist
  • Prefers paper forms, folders, and binders
  • Does not own a smartphone
  • Access to portfolio
  • Understanding curriculum and ARCP requirements
  • Knowledge of trainees needs and of the specialty
  • Computer crashing
  • Forgetting password
  • Unable to find the relevant information
  • Difficult Trainee
  • Reviews Trainees portfolio
  • Meets other members of the Panel
  • Gives a verdict

Birmingham workshop: Feedback from Trainees on the potential domain of App

ConcernsData protection and Privacy
  • Who see's what
  • Who decides this
A concern was around privacy and who can access what parts of the AppWe need to make sure that we only grant access to other user groups for certain agreed parts of the application

  • Integration
  • Syncing
We need to ensure that anything that links with their portfolios updated in real-time to avoid duplicatesWe need to work out what in the App may be bi-directional

  • Backups
  • Access to the app 
They want to ensure that if they lost their phone they do not compromise there information and also have a back up of the contentThis is something we must ensure

Size of the app
  • Data 
  • Storage
They are concerned the app will be too big to download and run on older phones, plus is it Android or IOSWe need to ensure we have an app that serves all phones and models (smartphones)

OwnershipInteractionsWho is responsible for ensuring the data and content is accurate and up to dateWe need to talk this through and make it clear in comms

Courses and guidelinesInteractiveThey need to know that all the information around courses and guidelines are accurateThis is something we can investigate

Access for HRDocumentsThey want to make sure that HR only has access to relevant areas of the appWe need to check what HR needs to see

OfflineAccessibilityThey often have poor WIFI so can they still use the app in offline mode?This is vital, as most users face this problem, consider the draft versions

Log in

Multiple login access

They feel that there should be limited access to the app in the lof in process

We need to find out what this means to them

TrustsAccessWho at the trusts will have access and how often will it be updatede need to understand what the Trusts may need to access and how this might work through TIS

ProfileAudit trailWho has access to your profile in the app, they would like to know who uses their profile and whenThis may be hard to show but we can look into this
Profile #1Personal information
  • Name
  • GMC
  • DOB
  • Address
  • Specialty
  • Grade
  • Supervisor
  • Current post
They would like this to be editable and accessible to the right parts of the business. This must be synced with other systemsThis is a key area of the app to Users so we need to ensure we cover all their concerns

  • Mandatory
  • Certificates
They would like access to their mandatory training to be a part of their profile, also a way to upload certificates into this areaWe can look into what this might involve, be it the document upload is a different part of the app

e-PortfoliosLinksWe need to ensure that can access e-portfolio from hereThis should be potentially easy to do, depending on how we establish these portfolios for each user


  • Phone
  • Email
  • HEE contacts
  • NHS contacts
  • HR contacts
  • Hospital contacts
They would like a directory of who they can contact should they need toWe can look into this

ContractsInformationThey would like to have their contractual information available in their profileWe can look into how this might work


  • Plugin for NHS/Trust
AccessThey have multiple emails (email accounts), can they access these through the appNot sure how this might work but we can look into this

UploaderCertificatesCan they upload certificates into their profile to share with othersWe need to look into this, as they have old ones they may wish to keep in the App

Occupational Health
  • Information
  • Syncing
They have asked to have a page around Occupational health to be a part of their profileWe can look into this

  • Sharing
  • Syncing
They would like to make sure that HR information is available but not sharable or Trusts not accepting online informationWe need to investigate what this might mean

  • Past
  • Current
  • Future
They feel this would be useful maybe links to this from a profile, with their current placements visible in the profile itselfWe can look into how this might work

Medical staffing documentsStorageThey have asked if this could be a place to host these?We can look into what this means

Leave & Entitlements
  • Access
  • Interactive
  • Read-only
  • Links
They have asked if they can have their leave and entitlements pull through to their profile, so it's clear what they have taken and what they have leftWe can investigate this

  • Storage
  • Links
Can they also have their payslips accessible through the appWe may need to speak with HR but essentially a link to ESR will also cover this
  • Links
  • Syncing
  • Information
They would like to ensure that the App links and syncs with their portfolios similar to Royal college where they have dropdowns to choose which they requireWe can look into his

Sending and receivingProcessThey would like to be able to send and receive their assessments and tickets through the appWe need to investigate the process for each assessment stage

  • ARCP
  • Form R
  • Guidelines by year
  • CCT Date
  • Checklist
  • One portal for Form-R
They would like to have the ARCP and all info on this accessible in one placeWe need to investigate what all this means

Document library
  • Access
  • Storage
They have asked for a storage facility to keep all their assessments and docs in one placeAccess to this (how long) might be an issue

  • Interactive
  • Notification
  • Read-only
  • Link
They have asked around notifications and having certain dates put into a calendar so that they know when they need to complete ARCP,s and other tasks to complete the processThis will need to be confirmed by business in regards to who is responsible for what.

  • Permissions
  • Read-only
  • Form R
  • Rotations/supervisors
  • e-Portfolio
  • Logs & DOPS
They have asked if HR and ARCP Panel can have access to certain areas of the app and assessments, as this would make life easier, as HR and the ARCP Panel can get what they need when they need it, as opposed to emailing the trainees for the infoCheck process and gaps

General info
  • Important dates
  • Assessments info
  • Submissions info
  • Training requirements
General information around assessments, what they have them and how they work would be valuableWe can show this once we have a clear understanding of process etc

  • RC Portfolio
  • e-lfh
  • Form R
A centralized logWe need to investigate what this means/is

  • Live-tracking
  • Forms
  • Submissions
They have asked if there would be a way to communicate the status of their assessments and form submissionsThis would be a good win for process streamlining


User stories created by Trainees at the Manchester workshop

We asked the trainees to prioritize their top 3 feature requests/functionality which they had added to the wall with Post-its. We then asked them to take these Post-its and write User Stories based on the template we provided to help them to firstly prioritize an MVP and to also establish the value in this choice.

'As a''I want to''So that'
  • Useful contacts
  • Referral pathways
  • One forum to address all my needs
  • Records of my information/forms
  • I remain updated
  • Save time
  • Reduce duplications
  • Smooth transition to my next rotation
West Midlands Pediatric TraineeA centralized online process with all information in one place that I update and HR and any Trust can accessI don't have to waste half my day every 6 months filling in the same paper forms
TraineeFill in all necessary forms (Form R, LFT, Applications) and all my personal info in one placeI Don't need to duplicate paperwork every time I change rotation or go to ARCP
  • More help with my portfolio curriculum development
  • Have information and resources easily accessible through the app
  • More help and advice and support regarding sorting financial matters
  • A centralized system so that we don't have to upload and present the same information every time we change out
I am able to manage my paperwork, schedule, and workload efficiently
TraineeHave an App that has all my mandatory training forms, occupational health, DBS & Medical staffing forms in one place It will reduce the repetition each time I rotate trusts as all HR will have access
TraineeHave an App that presents the ARCP requirements easilyI can evidence my work and my supervisors/ARCP Panel can see it as well
TraineeHave an App that links well to the Curriculum/e-portfolio I useI can manage all of my records and the training easily
TraineeHave all of the forms we use to be digital and liveI can avoid mistakes, have things populated automatically, and have the peers review things speedily
TraineeHave a streamlined training with a profile/assessments and HR stuff in an App I can complete my training without duplicates of paperwork and things are in one place
TraineeHave an App that centralizes core requirementsTraining is a streamlined process
Educational Supervisor

Have access to my trainees:

  • Work schedule
  • e-portfolio
  • Means to leave alerts and texts for my trainee(s)

I can help my trainee efficiently:

  • Highlight deficiencies in time
  • Approve study leave
  • Arrange meetings for reviews
Educational SupervisorAn app with an easy login process In teaching my trainees progress does not become tedious
Educational SupervisorAn app with Calendar dated notificationsI know when my trainee has completed a mandatory task and know if they need my sign off
Educational SupervisorAn app that is interactive and easy to useI can access my trainees progress without difficulty
IMGAn app that is easy to navigate I can find and upload information easily
IMGA repertoire of information about courses, resources, and helpful contacts I can integrate easily and quickly
IMGFAQS, tools and training portals I can learn how to present my work efficiently 
IMGAccess to what alternative forms of evidence of competenceI can show my training so far
IMGInformation about contracts, pay scales, career progression, rotas, entitlements and leave, as well as contacts for immigration concerns I can enjoy doing my job well
ARCP Panel external assessorAn easy link to the curriculum and ARCP checklistI can do my job efficiently
ARCP Panel external assessorTo have a thorough knowledge of trainees requirements of the specialty I understand where trainees are coming from
ARCP Panel external assessorTo be able to reset my password easily when I forget itI can access trainees portfolio in a timely fashion
ARCP Panel external assessorTo have easy access to trainees portfolio and relevant information for ARCPI can thoroughly review their progress and give an accurate verdict
HR ManagerThe training to be easy to accessI can navigate the app and train my team/employees
HR ManagerA mobile phone appI can access TIS and Trainees on mobile if I am on the move
HR ManagerTo complete deadlines with the appThere are no complaints
HR ManagerTo make HR process streamlined for employees using the appI can engage and communicate with the employees

Workshop photos and video

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