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The table below is a collection of requirements, considerations, must have's and must not's, process, features and functionality gathered from workshops with Senior/Regional Business Managers and Local Administrators for the 'Trainee Application'.

Workshop(s) feedback

Administrators workshop 05/02/19

Personal details

Personal informationEdit
  • *Concern: We need to investigate how this will work with ESR
Investigate how this might work
Contact detailsEdit
  • *Concern: We need to investigate how this will work with ESR
Investigate how this might work
GDC/GMC Read-only
  • They will not need to edit this but good that users can review
Programme membershipProgramme (1,2,3)Read-only
  • Add TPDs and to be linked to programmes/rotations for info and approval.
  • The Admins said that it needs to be read-only as they do this already on e-portfolios for posts and too important for rotations
  • A comment made about the value of this as they also have with Synapse
Investigate how this might work

  • We need to check with users is this of value?
Investigate value
  • How far into the future should we allow the users to view placements? (1 yr - 3 yrs/depends on the programme)
  • Add Educational Supervisor with Email and Trust for Approvals
  • *Concern: Queries can be raised in PSP (We need to investigate the PSP and how this will affect the Application).
  • Trainers: Would need to see an overview of all their Trainees placements within the application
  • Can this link to the Trust website?

Investigate how this might work


AssessmentsReview assessmentsRead-only
  • *Concern: An API with e-portfolios in both directions
  • An overview of their assessments. Need to investigate how much detail the Trainees would like to see
  • Validation within the system. They currently have to design their own to create the reporting
Investigate how this might work

  • The Trainees have e-portfolio for this. However, we need to investigate if they do in fact use this, as we have had a number of Trainees ask about having this feature in the 'application' so possible that the e-portfolio Log-book is not very usable and causing issues.
Investigate how this might work
  • Historical archiving of forms
  • Document manager for forms so Trainees and Admin can access any forms they need to (completed forms/partially completed forms)
  • TIS to automatically update CCT date regarding OOP and LTFT forms
  • LTFT Forms: Will they automatically update programmes?
  • Notifications for Trainees and Admins on the status of forms. Example: When a form has been sent to the Trainee they receive a notification to tell them when this needs to be completed by. Once completed and sent for approval the Admin should receive a notification.
  • *Concern: PSP How this affects some of these forms and how the Trainees currently use PSP to access the forms?
  • Trainers: Does a Trainee record become a Trainer record or does the Trainer start with a new record?
  • Exporting forms: When made inactive at the end of a programme can we export the following into a PDF and send to the trainee for their own archive: (The Admin's say they often get Trainees asking for these forms/records long after they have completed the programmes which are a frustration as the Admins have to find the old forms and records manually).
    - Training records (Posts)
    - Forms approved

Investigate all forms individually as to what areas need to have input from the User, what will be auto-generated and how the forms need to be approved/accepted once completed.

LTFT (Less than full time)


OOP (Out of programme)Review/Input/Sign

Relocation expensesReview/Input/Sign

POG (Period of grace)Review/Input/Sign

COC (Change of circumstance)Review/Input/Sign

IDT (Inter deanery transfer)Review/Input/Sign
NotificationsAssessment reviewsRead-only
  • This would inform the trainee they had an Assessment to review
Investigate value

RTDs (Resend training dates)Link
  • Linking from dates to the event?
Investigate value

Placement notificationRead-only
  • 12-week COP (Code of practice)
Investigate value

Save the dateLink
  • Linkins to Calendar or maybe just read-only
Investigate value

Final ARCP and CCT reminder to organiseRead-only
  • This would help the Trainee to organise their ARCP & CCT with Admins
Investigate value
CalendarARCP Dates/conflictsInput/edit
  • This would help trainees to organise with admins
Investigate value

Save the dateInput/edit
  • This could be used for a number of things linked through the notifications
Investigate value

  • Current and Future placements could be added to the Calendar to help with managing tasks/time/planning
Investigate value
Log in/Log outCookies & PolicyReviewSign
  • We need to have this in place for the application. Design work completed for this already just need to have the final copy for T&Cs
On/Off-boardingAccessing data once leftDownload/export
  • How will the Trainees access the Assessments/Forms and any other data once they leave the programme? We need to establish with Trainees what information they need, why they need it, and how long they need access to this information. Archiving
Investigate how this might work
Other ideasTraining daysRead-only/link
  • A list of training days that the Trainee may wish to attend with a link to that specific website/trust page
Investigate how this might work with the 3rd party sites

  • A FAQS page on information that the trainees need through-out their training
Investigate what the trainees would like to see in this page

Output CCT Calculator as a formInput/edit
  • We would need to investigate this idea further and establish the value for trainees
Investigate value

Link all to PSP2 in 1
  • Make sure that any changes in TIS/Trainee app also links back to PSP so no duplicates/repeat of the process
Investigate how this might work
  • This will require some investigation into tech and cost
Cost, investigate for value for the user
What does success look like and how do we measure this?
  • Launching the app
  • An application that Trainees accept
  • Able to access information and aware of the stage in the process
  • An app that has a genuine purpose where the trainees can access important information
  • Simplicity and reduce manual data entry
  • Reduce the duplication of info
  • Clear accessible info resulting in fewer phone calls and queries
  • The app launches on time (MVP)
  • Survey the trainees to find out if they accept the app
  • Reduction in queries trainee has ownership
  • The trainees can use the app and consider it useful
  • Less frustration for everyone
  • Positive trainee feedback
  • Reduce simple trainee queries to HEE

Senior Regional BM's/Stakeholders workshop (London) 28/01/19:

This workshop was to establish considerations and constraints, must have's and not's. It was an hour session so quite high-level with no detail on functionality, ie edit/read-only solutions to the features so the below will require further investigation with Administrators and users to establish the value be it this is what the business thinks they may need in the application.


Personal details

  • National insurance number
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • GMC Integration LRMP/Status
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Upload a photo of themselves
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Regional training days
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Info to trainees
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Immigration Tier 2 Visa progress/status
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion

Programme membership

  • In programme preferencing
Investigate how this might work
  • Support – return to work
Investigate how this might work


  • NETS Allowing completion of surveys
Investigate how this might work


  • View completed assessment outcomes
Prototype: Verify content of this overview
  • Verify data prior to events
Investigate how this might work
  • Trainee choosing a preference for assessment dates
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Appeals
Investigate how this might work


  • Form R
Refer to Admin table
  • LTFT
Refer to Admin table
  • OOP
Refer to Admin table
  • Change of circumstances form (ESR-TIS)
Refer to Admin table
  • Maternity leave application
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Post 12 week change form
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • NOC form (London review)
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Acting up
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion
  • Trainee declaration form
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion


  • Trainee to report inaccuracies
Investigate how this might work
  • Placement acknowledgements
Refer to Admin table
Log in/out
  • Password reset
  • Trainee access removed on PG end date
Investigate how this might work
  • Trainee accounts auto set-up
Investigate how this might work
  • Align to archiving
Refer to Admin table

Other ideas

  • Whistleblowing
Investigate with Administrators and Users as to the value of this suggestion

Stakeholder feedback document: The document used for Discovery with attendees, and to gather feedback for non-attendees (Stakeholders/Regional Business Managers)

Gallery of Admin workshop in London

User stories created by Admin workshop attendees

I asked the Administrators to consider their own Trainees, and think about what motivates them, what triggers them into action, and what they need to complete these tasks or requests. We then asked them to create 'User stories' to fill these needs and wants for their users, to help us define 'Personas', 'User Groups' and then 'User stories' once we begin the workshops with the Trainees themselves.

'As a''I want to''So that'
TraineeI want clarity on where to go for information and formsIt gives me confidence in HEE and cuts down on me making queries to HEE
Trainee I want Trainee/TPD/ES Electronic forms & signatures to be easily accessibleIt will save time, be clear and accurate information and efficient
TraineeI would like to know my future placement I can rent or buy property
TraineeI would like to know what happens with my privacy and digital footprintI know what information is kept on once I CCT so that I have control over my personal information giving me peace of mind
TraineeLog in with facial recognition I do not have to remember another password, also looks cool
TraineeTo find all the forms in one locationI don't waste my time searching for them and then downloading them
TraineeHave one platformI don't have several logins for other platforms
TraineeOne centralised systemI am not managing and updating multiple platforms and duplicating my work
TraineeAccess Trust, HR, TPD and other contactsSo that I have all of the people/places I need to speak too in one place
TraineeAccess assessments once completedI can complete any outstanding tasks/be updated on my progress
TraineeKnow my progress on my OOPI can plan my relocation and organise a visa
TraineeOne clear master calendar which provides key datesI can conveniently see when important events are
OfficerEnsure I have the correct address for Special Circumstance TraineeI can find a vacancy within a reasonable commute
TPDSee all trainees enrolled in a programme or rotationI can get contact info to get up to date overview
AdminOne filing systemI do not need to look in multiple places
AdminTo be notified if a change I make is going to cause a conflict or errorI do not make that conflict or error and find an alternative solution
AdminTo have a prompt when deleting a recordI do not delete things easily from TIS
AdminTo avoid additional queries caused by the Trainee appI am not gaining more work
AdminForms to collect signaturesI do not have to chase the trainee offline or end up with different forms with different signatures on different copies
AdminBetter placement data validationIt saves time and resources when it adds up to 100's of errors
AdminLike my placements for 2 years I can plan where I live and for the children's schools

Trainee workshop 26/02/19

Personal detailsPersonal informationEdit/Read-only

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