2023-04-11 ndw-etl-prod task was not run

2023-04-11 ndw-etl-prod task was not run


Apr 11, 2023


@James Harris @Yafang Deng @Jayanta Saha




ndw-etl-prod task was not run on Apr 11


Caused a failure of the User Refresh job on NDW.

End users would see the stale data which were 24 hours before.

Non-technical Description

The push of TIS data to NDW was not run on Apr 11.


  • Due to AWS capacity, we were not able to start the task.


  • Email from NDW team in the morning of 11/04/2023

  • In #monitoring-ndw channel on Slack, no notifications found for ndw-etl-prod task:


  • Manually ran the ndw-etl-prod on ECS.

  • The start and finish of the task was notified in Slack.


BST unless otherwise stated

  • Apr 11, 2023 04:03 - Since then, no more notifications had been received for the overnight ndw etl jobs.

  • Apr 11, 2023 11:32 - NDW team emailed about the failure

  • Apr 11, 2023 12:07 - James redirected the email that push of TIS data into NDW failed

  • Apr 11, 2023 12:40 - Yafang found no logs found on ndw-etl-prod in the midnight

  • Apr 11, 2023 13:02 - Andy D found the event bridge triggered the task and the service considered itself healthy, but no record for the task on prod

  • Apr 11, 2023 14:26 - Yafang & Jay triggered the task ndw-etl-prod manually

  • Apr 11, 2023 14:56 - The task has been run and exited on etl-prod successfully

  • Apr 11, 2023 15:11 - James let Guy know and NDW started their jobs.

  • Apr 12, 2023 13:45 - Guy confirmed there were no subsequent issues.

Root Cause(s)

  • We expect the ndw-etl-prod job to be triggered by the AWS eventbridge rule every day at 2am UTC.

  • From the metrics, the everntbridge rule was triggered on Apr 11, but there’re no logs found on Cloudwatch. And from the ECSStoppedTasksEvent, we can also find the ndw-etl-prod task was not started.

  • The CloudTrail event history shows the reason of failure: "Capacity is unavailable at this time. Please try again later or in a different availability zone"

  • We could ask AWS why there was no capacity. The AWS Service Status indicates there was no failure or maintenance reducing expected capacity.

Action Items

Action Items



Action Items



Monitor CloudTrail event. Once we get this error, pick up another time to restart the task.

Alert to Slack channel if runTask fails.


@Yafang Deng


Change config to use a wider choice of availability zones.



Other stuff we won’t do, at least for now, given the assumption about low probability of re-occurrence:

  • Automated retries

  • A separate job to check that the ETL has run for each environment



Lessons Learned


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