Page content:
Table of Contents |
Order | Field name (V10) | DR field | Reference table | Example value | Other fields available in DR | Type (free text, drop down, check box) & Interaction | Mandatory (Y/N) | Validation / Error Messaging | Filter (Y/N) | Search (Y/N) | Sort (Y/N) | List (S) / Detail (D) | Notes | Delete field |
3. PLACEMENT | ||||||||||||||
1 | Start Date | Placement Start Date | 24/07/2017 | read only | N/A | SD | ||||||||
2 | End Date | Placement End Date | 24/07/2017 | read only | N/A | SD | ||||||||
3 | Site | Placement Site | Site | Addenbrookes Hospital | read only | N/A | SD | |||||||
4 | Grade | Placement grade | Grade | ST1 | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
5 | Specialty | Placement Specialty | Specialty | Dermatology | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
6 | Placem Placementent type | Placement type | Placement type | In Post | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
7 | Status | P | read only | N/A | Options are: "Past", "Current", "Future" | D | ||||||||
1.PERSONAL DETAILS - NB Fields marked as "editable" are probably not any more as the master version of this data will be held in ESR. For MVP all fields are read-only. | ||||||||||||||
1 | Forenames | Free text Editable | Y | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe and spaces) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
2 | Surname | Free text Editable | Y | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | N/A | N/A | N/A | D | ||||||
3 | Known As | Free text Editable | N | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
4 | Maiden Name | Free text Editable | N | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
5 | Title | Dr/Mr | Drop Down Editable | Y | N/A | D | Dr Ms Miss Mrs Mr | |||||||
6 | Telephone | Free text Editable | Y | Can be mobile or landline | D | "Contact Phone No. 1" | ||||||||
7 | Mobile | Free text Editable | N | Can be mobile | D | "Contact Phone No. 2" | ||||||||
8 | Email Address | Free text Editable | Y | Valid email address << format or actual email address [IO] | D | |||||||||
9 | Address 1 | Free text Editable | Y | As long as at least Address 1 has an entry the other fields don't need to be mandatory? | D | |||||||||
10 | Address 2 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
11 | Address 3 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
12 | Address 4 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
13 | Post Code | Free text Editable/Auto completer? | Y | Valid format | D | |||||||||
14 | GMC Number | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
15 | GMC Status | Registered | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
16 | GDC Number | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
17 | GDC Status | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
18 | Public Health Number | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
19 | EEA Resident | Yes/No | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
20 | Permit to Work | Tier 2 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
21 | Settled | Yes/No | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
22 | Visa Issued | 23/07/2017 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
23 | Details/Number | 0984637291 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
2. PROGRAMMES & CURRICULA | ||||||||||||||
1 | Programme Name | Cardiology | read only | N/A | D | |||||||||
2 | Programme Number | EOE8945 | read only | N/A | D | |||||||||
3 | Curriculum | read only | N/A | Could be multiple, up to 3 | D | |||||||||
4 | Start Date | read only | N/A | D | ||||||||||
5 | End Date | read only | N/A | D | ||||||||||
6 | Managing Deanery | East of England | read only | N/A | D | Should display as "Local Office" | ||||||||
4. ASSESSMENT REVIEWS | ||||||||||||||
1 | Review | 20/09/2017 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
2 | Curriculum Assessed | Cardiology | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
3 | Outcome | 6 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
4 | Grade at Time | ST1 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
5 | Period From | DD/MM/YYYY | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
6 | Period To | DD/MM/YYYY | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
5. FORM R (A / B) see relevant page |
Field Validation (Part A) - Trainee UI - Field Validation | Form R (Part A)