Accessing both environments
There are various ways in which users/developers access the cloud provider environments, most of the time, a developer accesses a server via a webpage or through a terminal (CLI). Terminal access via ssh needs configuration as direct server access is blocked and only accessible via a bastion(jumpbox). This configuration should have been one of the first things a developer would have set up in their first week on the job
So having 2 environments on both Azure and AWS is not a major problem, the complication lies in the addresses we’ve assigned them to reduce the migration work. We use those addresses to connect to the servers but we assigned the same addresses to different servers
To connect to servers in the AWS infrastructure, we would need to make changes to the ssh configuration so that traffic can be routed via the AWS Bastion
This includes adding a new host and updating existing hosts to proxy traffic through it.
The following is the new configuration
Host hee-build-azure
port 9264
User bastion
ForwardAgent yes
PubKeyAuthentication yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
LocalForward 1433
LocalForward 1434
LocalForward 1435
Host hee-build-aws
port 22
User bastion
ForwardAgent yes
PubKeyAuthentication yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
LocalForward 1433
LocalForward 1434
LocalForward 1435
Host 10.140.0.*
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Host 10.150.0.*
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
LocalForward 9200 localhost:9200
Host 10.160.0.*
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_aws
Host 10.170.0.*
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Host 10.99.0.*
User bastion
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Host 10.200.0.*
User heetis
#ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
ForwardAgent yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Note the new Host “hee-build-aws” and the commented out proxy command for each host pointing to aws.
To connect to the aws servers like you did with azure, just uncomment the #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws nc %h %p
lines and comment out the ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure nc %h %p
lines. You should now be able to connect to the AWS servers like you did with Azure
Easy switching
If you want to easily switch environment config’s then you can add these alias’ to you bashrc or whatever shell rc file you have and execute using the commands switchToAws
or switchToAzure
Mac OS x
# switch ssh env
alias switchToAws="sed -i '' 's/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/g' ~/.ssh/config && sed -i '' 's/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/g' ~/.ssh/config"
alias switchToAzure="sed -i '' 's/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/g' ~/.ssh/config && sed -i '' 's/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/g' ~/.ssh/config"
(not yet tested)
# switch ssh env
alias switchToAws="sed -i 's/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/g' ~/.ssh/config && sed -i 's/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/g' ~/.ssh/config"
alias switchToAzure="sed -i 's/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-aws/g' ~/.ssh/config && sed -i 's/ #ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/ ProxyCommand ssh hee-build-azure/g' ~/.ssh/config"
Security Groups
At the moment, AWS has been locked down and you’ll need your external IP address registered in the security group before the above works.
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