TIS NHS Brand identity & Accessibility

TIS NHS Brand identity & Accessibility

This area will be updated when any updates are made through NHS Service Design. At the moment the examples below are NHS brand colour updates made to TIS (As it currently is on Feb 22nd 2019). We have tested these colours and enhancements against the suggested Accessibility testing site supplied by NHSSD. The reference sites are listed below. You can use the attached word document with the colour references and also the InVision prototype allows you to use 'Inspect mode' to grab the colours/padding/and assets as you need.

NHS Service Design & Accessibility sites:
Brand colours, type, grids and icons: https://beta.nhs.uk/service-manual/styles-components-patterns
Accessibility testing: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/

The below links are for prototypes which show the user journeys, interactions, and updates. You can inspect these in InVision gaining access to all you need. If you are unfamiliar with InVision use this quite guide which shows you how to utilise the tool as a developer.

InVision tutorial: InVsions 'inspect' for developers: https://www.invisionapp.com/feature/inspect/

References: This document is for the developers and has all colour/type references in it: 

TIS Accessibility and NHS brand update prototype. An example of the updated Header, icons, nav for Global CSS updates)


This is an example of the 'Search & Filters' work that is being scheduled into Sprints post-Feb 2019. 


The below is also PDF examples of the above. If you use InVision you can use some of it's functionality to get what you need for development, however, the PDF is also there as a reference.

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