Moving Docker images to a new repo
WARNING, before starting this process, make sure you have the very latest azure cli installed and have logged into azure by performing a az login from the cli
az cli can be found here:
This can now all be done from your local machine
1. curl -u jenkins:jenkins{{ docker image name }}/tags/list replace {{ docker image name }} with the desiered docker image
2. This will give you a list of all the tags like this:
curl -u jenkins:jenkins
3. Convert the tags using the following transformations by doing the following (you can do this with find and replace in atom as you can enable find and replace regex)
find , and replace with \n
find ^" and replace with – intrepid-dr-etl: (change this to the name of the container your copying)
find " and replace with nothing
this should give you a list like this (but probably longer):
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.8-21
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.9-26
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.12.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.24.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.4-58
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.2.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.11.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.13-67
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.16.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.8-61
- intrepid-dr-etl:04bf3073aec9df7767f11967a1416b5654a4085b
- intrepid-dr-etl:333057cc9804bda6cb8cf09101fd22bfb5d6c90f
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.22-76
4. Open the tis-devops repo and go to ansible/tasks
open the playbook called docker-container-move.yml
replace all of the "with_items" with what you’ve just exported:
- name: Docker container move
hosts: localhost
- name: docker container import to acr
shell: "az acr import --name heetiscontainerregistry --source{{ item }} --image {{ item }} --username jenkins --password jenkins"
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.3.0-48
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.10.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.3-16
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.1.7-36
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.1.14-44
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.17-70
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.4.26.Final
- intrepid-dr-etl:544d964a1d1764d1594fb087611da68b920a45c4
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.5-18
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.0.9-25
- intrepid-dr-etl:1.1.14-47
Then just run the playbook by running the following playbook:
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/dev docker-container-move.yml
(this is providing you are in the tis-devops/ansible/tasks directory)
Wait for the playbook to finish and you’ll have everything in the new registry.
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