HEE Events Timeline
Below is list of events that take place throughout the year in HEE Local Offices. The below gives a general idea of the sequence of events and likely timelines at which they take place. This is to be reviewed with all Local Offices with a view to refine this and highlight important activities relevant teams need to be aware of.
Next steps: Review with PAG.
Table with description of Events
No. | Start Date (approx.) | End Date (approx.) | Activity Title | Activity Type | Description | Owner |
1 | 01/01/2020 | 08/01/2020 | Code Of Practice -12 Week for April Rotations | COP | 12 week deadline for PM Team to have all Rotations (April) to ensure compliance for Code of Practice. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | PM Team |
2 | 01/01/2020 | 31/01/2020 | Rotations - GMC NTS Survey | GMC NTS |
| PM Team |
3 | 01/01/2020 | 01/03/2020 | GMC Survey Preperation | GMC NTS | Preparation for the GMC Trainer/Trainee survey | PM Team |
4 | 19/01/2020 | 01/02/2020 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Supporting Documents Available on Website - IDT application window opens (Dates are confirmed by National Team) TPD's to check potential vacancies for each specialty for IDTs, this information will be requested by HEE, local offices annually in February. | National IDT Team / PM Team |
5 | 27/01/2020 | 31/01/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | PM Team |
6 | 03/02/2020 | 02/03/2020 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Application Window for IDT - IDT application window closes for August rotations (dates confirmed by National Team) TPD's to confirm IDT vacancies for each specialty and send details to HEE, local offices annually in March. | National IDT Team / PM Team |
7 | 03/02/2020 | 13/03/2020 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Eligibility Checks | National IDT Team |
8 | 24/02/2020 | 28/02/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. (Learning & Development Agreement) | TPD / PM Team |
9 | TBC | TBC | GMC Survey | GMC NTS | GMC Survey change requests | PM Team |
10 | 23/03/2020 | 27/03/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
11 | 01/04/2020 | 15/04/2020 | Code Of Practice - 18-16 week for August Rotations | COP | 18 - 16 week reminder sent to TPDs to confirm specialty rotation plans to HEE local offices to ensure compliance for Code of Practice (August Rotations) to enable Programmes team to enter onto the database. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | TPD / PM Team |
12 | 01/04/2020 | 31/05/2020 | IFST | IDT | Transfers will normally take place either before the start of foundation training (F1) or at the start of the F2 year. | PM Team / Foundation Deputies |
13 | 02/04/2020 | 23/04/2020 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Vacancy Declarations | PM Team |
14 | 25/04/2020 | 30/04/2020 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Ranking/Random Allocation Exercise | National IDT Team |
15 | 27/04/2020 | 01/05/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
16 | 29/04/2020 | 13/05/2020 | Code Of Practice - 18-16 week for Sept Rotations | COP | 18 - 16 week reminder sent to TPDs to confirm specialty rotation plans to HEE local offices to ensure compliance for Code of Practice (September Rotations) to enable Programmes team to enter onto the database. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | TPD / PM Team |
17 | 43955 | 43961 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Round 1 - Conditional Offer from the National IDT Team | National IDT Team |
18 | 06/05/2020 | 13/05/2020 | Code Of Practice - 12 week for August Rotations | COP | 12 week deadline for PM Team to have all Rotations (August) to ensure compliance for Code of Practice. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | PM Team |
19 | 43962 | 43970 | IDT Window 1 | IDT | Round 2 - Conditional Offers from the National IDT Team | National IDT Team |
20 | 25/05/2020 | 29/05/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
21 | 03/06/2020 | 17/06/2020 | Code Of Practice - 18-16 week for October Rotations | COP | 18 - 16 week reminder sent to TPDs to confirm specialty rotation plans to HEE local offices to ensure compliance for Code of Practice (October Rotations) to enable Programmes team to enter onto the database. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | TPD / PM Team |
22 | 03/06/2020 | 10/06/2020 | Code Of Practice - 12 week for Sept Rotations | COP | 12 week deadline for PM Team to have all Rotations (September) to ensure compliance for Code of Practice. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | PM Team |
23 | 29/06/2020 | 03/07/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
24 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Supporting Documents Available on Website - IDT application window opens (Dates are confirmed by National Team) TPD's to check potential vacancies for each specialty for IDTs, this information will be requested by HEE, local offices annually in August. | National IDT Team / PM Team |
25 | 08/07/2020 | 15/07/2020 | Code Of Practice - 12 week for October rotations | COP | 12 week deadline for PM Team to have all Rotations (October) to ensure compliance for Code of Practice. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | PM Team |
26 | 27/07/2020 | 31/07/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
27 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Eligibility Checks | National IDT Team |
28 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Application Window for IDT - IDT application window closes for February rotations (dates confirmed by National Team) TPD's to confirm IDT vacancies for each specialty and send details to HEE, local offices annually in September. | PM Team |
29 | 24/08/2020 | 28/08/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
30 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Vacancy Declarations | PM Team |
31 | 01/09/2020 | 31/9/2020 | Recruitment Declarations | Recruitment | TPDs to confirm recruitment declarations to HEE local offices for newly recruited trainees due to commence training the following year, this is to ensure compliance for Code of Practice and provide essential data for recruitment teams. | TPD / PM Team / Recruitment |
32 | TBC | TBC | GMC ARCP Return | GMC ARCP | Preparation for the GMC ARCP Return - run reports and liase with Assessment to ensure clean data | PM Team / Assessment Team |
33 | 28/09/2020 | 02/10/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
34 | 07/10/2020 | 27/10/2020 | February 2020 Rotations | COP | Reminder sent to TPDs to confirm specialty rotation plans to HEE local offices to ensure compliance for Code of Practice (February Rotations) to enable Programmes team to enter onto the database. NHS trusts must receive all confirmed placements a minimum of 12 weeks prior to rotation start date to enable them to complete pre-employment checks. | TPD / PM Team |
35 | 26/10/2020 | 30/10/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
36 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Ranking/Random Allocation Exercise | National IDT Team / PM Team |
37 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Round 1 - Conditional Offer from the National IDT Team | National IDT Team |
38 | TBC | TBC | IDT Window 2 | IDT | Round 2 - Conditional Offers from the National IDT Team | National IDT Team |
39 | 23/11/2020 | 27/11/2020 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
40 | 01/12/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Post Reconciliation | Recruitment | Programme Management Team to send all Trusts a list of Post Numbers to check we have correct number of posts | TPD / Medical Staffing Teams |
41 | 01/12/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Recruitment Declarations | Recruitment | TPDs to confirm actual locations of vacancies to HEE local offices for recruitment in readiness for August/September/October rotations. | TPD / PM Team / Recruitment |
42 | 01/12/2020 | 31/12/2020 | Relocation Returns | Finance | Medical Staffing teams return Relocation Funding Return template to HEE by 21st December. | PM Team / Medical Staffing / Finance |
43 | 28/12/2020 | 01/01/2021 | LTFT | Finance | HEE will contact Medical Staffing teams with confirmation of LTFT slot shares in the last week of the month, payments to be made via LDA. | TPD / PM Team |
44 |
| May - July Assessments | TIS Related | Assessments added to TIS |
45 |
| TIS-ESR interface COP 12 weeks deadline | TIS Related | 12 weeks COP deadline for making sure all placements for August Rotations are on TIS ready to transfer to ESR via the TIS-ESR interface. |
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