Initial User Research meeting with GDS

Initial User Research meeting with GDS

Whitechapel, London Dec. 5, 2017

UR: Karen Martin, GDS Contractor

Note: Please clarify with team especially Rob Pink (Programme Manager) and Reuben Noot (Delivery Manager) before arranging meetings with GDS

Facilities other government departments can use at GDS:

  • Usability labs (2 labs): Each lab has 2 rooms with a dedicated lab technician helping with the facilities. Usually for user testing the UR sits with the participant doing the task while the rest of the team does the observation (interaction with the service), note taking, from another room. The observation room has camera control where the observers can zoom in and out as required.
  • UR training programmes
  • Liaisons with community of practice


I had a meeting earlier with a GP trainer who is dyslexic and also talked about her student who is dyslexic and finds it hard to use systems. On earlier discussion on slack about accessibility issue related to TIS, it was mentioned that  we run basic tests on the UI as part of the dev process but this may become more of an issue when we take on trainees. GDS has a dedicated space for researching accessibility related issues. Pictures attached.

  • Dyslexia is a wide spectrum
  • Everyone’s form is often different
  • GDS has a dyslexia simulator
  • one of the practices is to print on coloured paper (preferred differently by participants)
  • Issues: Every participant may say that’s not my dyslexia
  • Remember to give people the ability to change, example, colour, system – links with Steve’s comment about how the columns on the TIS pages should be user configurable. A grey and white colour TIS page might become an issue if/when accessibility issues will be worked on.


How in-depth should be the data analysis for UR:

  • Enough to allow developers to go to the next stage
  • Finding out what needs to be done in the next sprint 

UR Mailing List/Links: (Usually GDS facilities are only available to civil servants/government employees)

  • Accessibility
  • Slack for accessibility
  • User Research
  • Service Design
  • GDS links to booking rooms
  • GDS UR training programme

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