Development Setup on Ubuntu (WIP)

Development Setup on Ubuntu (WIP)

Install JDK

Install the JDK from Orcale - something like http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html (but google for the latest)

download the relevant tar.gz file

Place it into your software folder (or wherever you normally put software)

Edit your bashrc folder in home dir

add the following lines at the bottom

export JAVA_HOME=/<<wherever you put the jdk folder>>/jdk1.8.0_171

export CLASSPATH=.

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Install Maven

sudo apt-get install maven

mvn -version

Install GIT

sudo apt-get install git

Install Node.js

Need latest nodejs: https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-ubuntu/#

sudo apt-get install nodejs

sudo apt-get install npm <It will show "packages have unmet dependencies" because it is already installed with nodejs>

sudo npm install -g grunt

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

sudo npm install -g bower

sudo npm install -g karma-cli

sudo npm install -g gulp

Install MySQL

sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install emma (mySQL gui - or use mysql-workbench) Launch MySQL Workbench from the terminal:


Install Docker

sudo apt-get install docker

sudo apt install docker.io

To create the docker group and add your user:

Create the docker group.

$ sudo groupadd docker

Add your user to the docker group.

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

[Note: Here $USER is your computer user e.g. jayanta.saha ]

Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

On a desktop Linux environment such as X Windows, log out of your session completely and then log back in.

On Linux, you can also run the following command to activate the changes to groups:

$ newgrp docker

Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo.

$ docker run hello-world

Please refer to this page for the above: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

Install NGINX

sudo apt-get install nginx

Install intelliJ - Community Edition

Download the intelliJ software from the following link:


import the TIS schema xml into your intelliJ:


Please check the following image for importing from IntelliJ

Update and Upgrade after installation

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

Configuring Docker at your local machine

Create a folder and call it 'docker' in your local directory (i.e. /Docker)

Create a file of type 'File' and call it 'Dockerfile'. Paste the command below in the newly created file and save it in the /Docker

          FROM elasticsearch:2.4

In terminal, change your working directory '/Docker' and type in the following command (please include the dot at the end of command)

          docker build -t elasticsearch:2.4 .

NOTE: If you have a message like "permission denied while trying to connect", then use the following command in Ubuntu machine:

          sudo docker ps

          This will ask for your admin password. Enter that.

          Then apply the following command again

          sudo docker build -t elasticsearch:2.4 .

To get the image ID, type in the following command

          docker images 

NOTE: If it does not work use sudo docker images

(In order to avoid writing sudo again and again, try this command sudo bash)

Make a note of the image ID, insert it into the command below before typing it into the command prompt

          docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -d <insert image ID here> 

Verify that the container is running by typing in following command

          docker ps

Edit the hosts file

sudo gedit /etc/hosts

Change the line to:       localhost local.<YOUR_INITIALS>.com local.dev.com local.tis.com

Set up nginx proxy

cd /etc/nginx

sudo gedit nginx.conf

Note: Please refer to the following link:

Development set up on Mac

In the nginx.conf file search for word server_name and change the name to local.<your initial>.com;

sudo systemctl start nginx

sudo systemctl stop nginx (You don't need this now. Please check the following note)

Note: If you make any changes in your nginx.conf file you have to restart (i.e. stop and start) nginx. 

Set up environment variables

sudo gedit /etc/environment

LOCALHOST_URL="http://local.sm.com"    <Note: use your initial instead of sm>
LOG_DIR="/home/simon/UbuntuDev/logs"    <Note: use your directory name instead of simon>

Log off and on again for the settings to take effect

Create databases

mysql -u root -p

enter password (if you set one up when you installed mySQL. If not, you don't need the -p)

create database heetiscleardbconcerns;
create database profile;
create database reference;
create database heetiscleardbrevalidation;

create database heetiscleardbtraineeid;

create database heetiscleardbnotification;

create database tcs;

create database connectiondiscrepancy;

Generate new ssh key pair:


ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "email@example.com"

sudo gedit /home/simon/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to get the public key for use in GitHub

Create a settings.xml file in your .m2 folder


Need to create a link:

ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

... otherwise you will get errors running bower install later. https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/3911

Build the repos

Build the repos as per Development setup on windows#Checkoutandbuildthegitrepository

To disable middle mouse button paste:


$xinput list | grep 'id='

$xinput get-button-map <ID for Mouse>

$ xinput set-button-map <ID for Mouse> 1 0 3

To install Postman:

wget https://dl.pstmn.io/download/latest/linux64 -O postman.tar.gz

sudo tar -xzf postman.tar.gz -C /opt

rm postman.tar.gz

sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/Postman /usr/bin/postman

To add to unity launcher:

cat > ~/.local/share/applications/postman.desktop <<EOL [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Postman Exec=postman Icon=/opt/Postman/resources/app/assets/icon.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development; EOL


Arrange to have their laptop's MAC address added to the whitelist. This is to bypass content filtering in London. If in doubt, ask @John Simmons (Deactivated)

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