Setup Apache & Keycloak locally on Windows
Please clone to get started.
Using docker compose
- log into the internal docker repo(Run the following command in git bash, if you're using powershell, the command is different). You will need to configure your AWS authentication first.
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- edit the docker-compose.yml file
- update the nginx service to set the volume that points to your
- update the nginx service to set the volume that points to your
- follow the Setup the host section
- if you have other nginx service running, disable it. And run the following command
- docker-compose up --build
- navigate to → Administration Console, log in using the KC credentials in the ENV values. If the password doesn't work, ask other guys for help.
- setup kc and user in profile from the below section
- copy the OIDCClientSecret from oauth2.conf under ./files/etc/apache2/conf-available/oauth2.conf
- update the api-gateway secret in the keycloak database → client table
- docker-compose down and up to restart
this would build the apache image and start up the containers.
Setup the host
- Update your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file so that the localhost entry has an alias "" e.g. localhost
- Open up an admin privileges command prompt and copy paste the following to set environment variables. Or you can set them in Environment Variables window one by one.
- setx REFERENCE_SERVER_URL "http://localhost:8088/reference"
- setx TCS_SERVER_URL "http://localhost:8093/tcs"
- setx PROFILE_SERVER_URL "http://localhost:8082/profile"
- Start most of the backend services
- Profile
- Tcs
- Reference
- Build admins ui with npm run build, so that you will get the admin subdirectory. Don't do npm start at the same time.
- Start up your ES container: docker start <container id/name>
- if you dont have one, create one using something like: docker run --name elasticsearch-6.2.4 -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "" -e "" -e "" -d
- don't forget to synchronize data with elasticsearch when you run es docker the first time
- Start up your MySql container: docker start <mysql container id/name> / start up the mysql service or use the database locally listening port 3306
- ensure you have the kc database and user
- create database keycloak;
- grant all on keycloak.* to keycloak@'%' identified by '29UTYZ735L0T8i7h6657Di71H'; (You can use other password, but it needs to be the same as `MYSQL_PASSWORD` in the docker-compose file)
- flush priviledge
Setup Keycloak
When you log in the KC Administration Console,
- go to Clients in the sidebar, then go to api-gateway, update the all fields of Valid Redirect URLs and Web Origins.
* Valid Redirect URIs :
Web Origins
- go to Users in the sidebar, search your name, if you are not in the Users, add a user for yourself (If you've already got an user, skip this step), eg.
add user:
First name: paul
surname: hoang
set password
Setup User in Profile (Also, if you've already got an user, skip this step)
Now that you have a user in KC, you need a matching user in the Profile datanbase. See the example below, please replace the user with your own information:
use profile;
INSERT INTO `HeeUser` (`name`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `gmcId`, `phoneNumber`, `emailAddress`, `active`) VALUES ('', 'Paul', 'Hoang', NULL, NULL, '', 1);
INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userName`, `roleName`) VALUES
('', 'AssessmentsAdmin'),
('', 'ConcernsObserver'),
('', 'ETL'),
('', 'HEE TIS Admin'),
('', 'PersonAdmin'),
('', 'ProfileAdmin'),
('', 'RVObserver');
For more information, please refer to Setup Apache & Keycloak locally by PaulH
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