Implementation: proposed phasing
Phase 1
Database design changes - TIS.
Database design changes - TSS.
Bulk processing scripts to auto-(re)link programmes and placements where this can be unambiguously determined.
On-change events for automatically (de)linking placements when placement / programme membership data changes or is deleted (e.g. a programme membership’s programme is changed).
Sync of linkage data from TIS to TSS, and event management in TSS.
Surfacing of this (non-editable) linkage data within TIS and TSS.
Exporting of linkage data to NDW.
Reporting and metrics / dashboards on linkage.
All edge-cases or adjustments to the business rules implemented based on LO feedback. Also consider training pathways: currently automatically populated, but if manually overwritten then cannot be recalculated.
Value unlocked:
Clarity on edge-cases and business rules.
Highlighting of data quality issues and extent to which automatic linking will be possible.
Depending on extent of automatic linking:
TIS Admin reporting (counts per specialty, grade, etc.) and validation reports on date inconsistencies
TSS improvements to Onboarding tracker.
Need to clarify business rules and edge-cases.
Requires no LO manual data entry.
Can easily be iterated / refined (depending on how much is surfaced to end-users).
Phase 2
Editing functionality in TIS to manually un/link placements to programme memberships.
Permissions defined for same and applied to existing accounts.
Additions to bulk upload templates.
Any training / comms to support new TIS functionality.
Manual linking of outstanding placements: lessons learnt from phase 1 as to where to concentrate effort and how process should work (e.g. highlight higher-certainty but not automatable linkages for confirmation).
TSS Form R Part B: intelligently narrow the scope of work to placements linked to the selected programme membership.
Further reporting (TIS and TSS), e.g. tracking progress of manual linkage work, highlighting date inconsistencies.
Value unlocked:
Linkage of all (excluding legacy data) placements and programme memberships will enhance reporting accuracy.
LO’s will have the (appropriate) ability to manage linkages as needed.
Improved user experience completing Form R Part B.
Establish (hopefully full) coverage via manual amendments, prior to the more proactive functionality in Phase 3.
TSS and reporting improvements.
Phase 3
(necessarily a bit vague at this point)
Validation on ProgrammeMembership - Placement Dates.
Automatic extension of ProgrammeMembership Dates for placements.
LTFT changes on Placement - ProgrammeMembership Dates/Creation.
Placement Grade - Programme Membership Specialty Validation. Would help streamline GMC ARCP Return.
Site Approvals for Programme Numbers (Sites are approved for training of a specialty via the Programme Number of the Programme of a ProgrammeMembership)
Support for placement planning work.
Improvements to Revalidation connections.
Value unlocked:
Improvements to data quality and consistency.
Improvements to placement planning.
Improvements to Revalidation.
With the linkage data in place, it should be possibly to use this to support LOs in managing placement and programme membership data more consistently.
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