Smoke Testing approach

Smoke Testing approach


The objective of performing smoke testing is to ensure that the most important features of the TIS Admins-UI are working as expected. It's non-exhausting testing with a very limited number of test cases will be executed against the prod environment to verify that the critical functionality of the system is working fine. Example: User Login to TIS with the login Credentials and verify that TIS Admin UI has launched successfully and GUI is responding.

Smoke Testing Scope for TIS:
A test pack with a limited number of tests to verify the basic functionalities are working fine will be executed. The test pack will not be creating any data in the database and will only be verifying the application basic functionalities by executing below feature scenarios:

  1. User can log in to TIS successfully with test user credentials

  2. TIS ADMIN-UI GUI has launched successfully with data

  3. User can navigation to multiple components of TIS including (People, Post, programme, Assessment, Curriculum, speciality-group)

  4. Components GUI is loaded successfully with table data

  5. Smart search with table data is displayed for all components

  6. pagination is displayed with table data

  7. Column sorting and filtering is available on table headers

  8. Apply and remove column sorting to sort the table records

  9. Apply and remove column Filtering to filter the table records

  10. User can click and view on a table record

'./e2e/authorise/authorise.spec.ts', './e2e/app/**/*.spec.ts', './e2e/assessments/assessments.component.spec.ts', './e2e/tcs/people/people.component.spec.ts', './e2e/tcs/curriculum/curriculum.component.spec.ts', './e2e/tcs/post/post.component.spec.ts', './e2e/tcs/programme/programme.component.spec.ts', './e2e/tcs/specialty-group/specialty-group-list.component.spec.ts'

E2E smoke test for Admins -UI for Post, Assessment, curriculum, people, programme, speciality-group.

E2E smoke test for Admins -UI for Post, Assessment, curriculum, people, programme, speciality-group.

TIS App authorise user
√ should redirect to the authorisation page
√ should log in user

TIS-Admins-UI App
√ should display header component

Assessments List
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting and filtering (one of each)

When clicking a column with sorting option √ should sort records ASC based on this column's data When clicking on a record √ should go to view/edit page

TCS/ People
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting and filtering (one of each)

When clicking on column filter √ should display columns filters √ should hide columns filters When removing default current filter √ should remove the filter button and reset the results When checking a filter √ should display a remove button √ should have filtered the results When clicking the remove filter button √ should remove the filter button and reset the results When unchecking the selected filter √ should remove the filter button, uncheck the option and reset the results When clicking a column with sorting option √ should sort records ASC based on this column's data When clicking on a record √ should go to view/edit page

TCS/ Curriculum
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting and filtering (one of each)

TCS/ Post
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting and filtering (one of each)

TCS/ Programme
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting and filtering (one of each)

TCS/ SpecialtyGroup
√ should load page
√ should display a smart search input
√ should display pagination
√ should display specific data
√ should provide column sorting

Out of scope:
Any tests which can make any changes in the database including creating/delete/edit/upload operation across TIS Admin UI.

Environment to run against Production

The process to run smoke tests in Jenkins pipeline:

After every deployment to production:
Once the E2E test run against Staging environment to test the new changes and changes gets deployed to production, Smoke tests should be running after every change which gets deployed to production to make sure any new changes are not breaking the basic functionality of the application in Production and report will be sent to slack channel.

Smoke test pack step has been added to Jenkins pipeline and running after any new changes get deployed to production to make sure any new deployment is not breaking basic functionality of the Production and sending smoke test report notification to notifications-e2e-test-results.

Scheduled nightly job: A scheduled Jenkins job with a schedule to run against production every night will execute a smoke test pack. The test report will be sent in the Slack channel to notify the team like existing e2e test results.

Next Steps to follow:
Create a separate job (GithubActions) to run on a scheduled basis nightly. The ticket can be found herehttps://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-4766

User credentials: Smoke test user has been created and user credentials have been added to Jenkins to run test against production.

Github Repository: https://github.com/Health-Education-England/TIS-ADMINS-UI