Considerations for PGDiT notification emails

Considerations for PGDiT notification emails


Code WIP:


In relation to Programme reminders, the following business rules and templates needed to be clarified:

  1. Do we not send any notifications for programmes that started more than 13 weeks ago, or where the reminder was due to be sent before the notification service begins?

  2. What time of day should we send notifications?

  3. For a ‘missed’ / overdue notification, do we send it in an hour, or some days hence?

  4. Can we formalise the FormR linkages now, so that we can determine outstanding tasks, or do we save that for a later slice? [Assume ‘no’]

  5. If we can’t achieve (4), is it acceptable to send 4- and 1-week reminders only to users not signed-up on TSS, with 0-week reminders going to everyone?

  6. If we can achieve (4), is it acceptable to send 4-, 1- and 0-week reminders only to users with outstanding tasks?

  7. Can we send 4-, 1- and 0-week reminders regardless of whether they have previously been sent (if the start date has been pushed back, for example)? How about 8-week reminders? Or do we need to a manual reset to allow LO’s to make reminders go out again to particular users?



  1. Text for 8-, 4-, 1- week reminders

  2. Text for 0-week reminder

  3. Text for late reminders (if applicable)

Example email

Notes from meeting 30 Nov 2023:
Current 1 hour delay before sending missed notifications - if an error in bulk upload, it might need 3 days to correct.
Manual reset to allow notifications to be resent.
Notification text: "If wrong contact LO..."
When we progress to an outstanding tasks reminder instead of a generic checklist, we can ditch the 'already sent' logic.
Timing of email send - 4pm? Comms to advise

