DSP credential fields: Programmes and Placements
Decision leader | @Reuben Roberts |
Contributors | @Nazia AKHTAR |
Date | Dec 12, 2022 |
Outcome | Field list amended as per Charlotte Dainter’s comments |
Placement and programme membership data is included in the corresponding DSP credentials. The field listing below is an update on the spreadsheet from July 2020 https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/files/U8MFAV508/F04D1PQLKS5/validated_copy_20200722_credentials_-_dit_digital_staff_passport_tis.xlsx .
Relevant data
Credential | TIS field | TSS sync field | Notes |
Training Assignment |
Training Programme Placement |
Training Programme Name |
| programme.programmeName |
Year of Programme (eg CT3) | Grade | grade.abbreviation - only way to get this is via finding the current placement at the point in time when the credential is being issued that falls within the programme start and end dates, and assuming that is unique, getting the placement grade. There is no direct link between a programme and a placement except temporally. | Agreed to omit |
Start Date | Programme Start Date | programmeMembership.programmeStartDate (confirm vs. curriculum start-end dates) |
Scheduled End Date | Programme End Date | programmeMembership.programmeEndDate | Removed “Scheduled” from the name now there is only a single end date. |
Extended End Date | Programme End Date | programmeMembership.programmeEndDate | Agreed to exclude as there is no data difference between this and “Scheduled End Date” |
Training Placement |
Placement Name (eg Surgery CT3) | Placement Specialty, Placement Grade. NPN, WTE |
| Disaggregate as below |
| Placement Specialty | http://placement.id -> placementSpecialty.specialtyId -> http://specialty.name |
| Placement Grade | placement.gradeAbbreviation |
| NPN | placement.postId -> post.nationalPostNumber |
| WTE | placement.placementWholeTimeEquivalent | Omit, since Payroll/Finance is a more authoritative source for this. |
Placement Employer (i.e. Employer or Lead Employer) | Employing Body of post | placement.postId -> post.employingBodyId -> trust.trustName |
Placement Location (i.e. Hospital, Ward etc) | Site | placement.siteId -> site.siteName |
Start Date | Placement Start Date | placement.dateFrom |
Scheduled End Date | Placement End Date | placement.dateTo | Removed “Scheduled” from the name now there is only a single end date. |
Extended End Date | Placement End Date | placement.dateTo | Agreed to exclude as there is no data difference between this and “Scheduled End Date” |
Data type | Format |
Date | ISO date |
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213