Sprint 00 Review (2016-06-07)

Sprint 00 Review (2016-06-07)


The following items were shared by team members during this sprint review


Revalidation workshop story map output/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/4161563
Revalidation Service Design 'helicopter' view first passService Design (General)
Revalidation Features and 1st pass placeholder storiesStory Map in Jira
Infrastructure and Software Development Environment buildDeployment overview
Phasing of Technical Architecture and Infrastructure/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/4653074
Early technical decision points/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/1409042
Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) approach/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/3801099
Team Resourcing and On-boardingverbal update
Confluence, Jira, Slack/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/overview, Jira, Slack

