Setup the global gitignore file in your local

Setup the global gitignore file in your local

  1. Go to the following link  https://gitignore.io/  and choose your operating systems, IDE, Programminng language etc. and press the create button.

I have chosen Git, IntelliJ, Maven and Linux and the following file has been generated for me.

2. Copy the file to a notepad and save it to your home. Give the file name as .gitignore_global

3. Open a Terminal and run the following command in your terminal:

$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

4.If the following files (red ones) keep coming after the above steps, then add them to your .gitignore_global file.

5.Modified .gitignore_global will contain the following added exclusions

#this is specific to our TIS service

For more information, please check the link here https://help.github.com/en/articles/ignoring-files 

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