E2E Testing - Test Coverage

E2E Testing - Test Coverage

Running the tests - basic stuff

  • Go to TIS-ADMINS-UI project in the terminal and run the following:
    • npm run e2e (this runs the protractor tests in chrome browser)
    • npm run e2e-ie (IE browser tests)
    • npm run cucumber (runs the cucumber tests)
  • Reports are located in:
    • /TIS-ADMINS-UI/e2e/cucumber/reports
    • /TIS-ADMINS-UI/e2e/report/html/tis-e2e-report.html
  • Environment URL is set in TIS-ADMINS-UI/protractor.conf.shared.js
  • Default Browser should be chrome
  • No need to run test pack against IE as users has been educated not to use IE. IE  browser will not be used in future.

 The below table provides the test coverage for E2E test pack.

Component NameScenarios already coveredScenarios to be addedScenarios for upcoming functionalitiesRemarksQA Remarks /Defects
  1. Navigate to Person search
  2. Able to load person Details
  3. Load Placements view through people search journey
  4. Load Programmes view through people search journey
  5. Load Qualifications view through people search journey
  6. Load Sensitive data view through people search journey
  7. Search person 
  8. view people list after applying sorting and filters on header.
  9. Create Person 
  10. View/Edit Person
  11. Test validation Errors after entering invalid data in fields

  1. Bulk Upload of People
  2. Assign/view rotations (Trainee only)
  3. Assign/view education group (Trainer only)
  4. Remove Person from Programme
  5. Leave Programme(Process)

Shivani Rana (Unlicensed) excuse my ignorance but do you need to check server error in People too? you have it for most of the other components....

Yes Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)  that will be added for people too to be consistent. Thanks.

Load assesssment data through people search will be covered in assessment below.

  1. TISDEV-3641
  2. TISDEV-3868
  3. TISDEV-3878
  4. TISDEV-4048
  5. TISDEV-4049
  6. TISDEV-4054
  7. TISDEV-4094
  8. TISDEV-4150
  9. TISDEV-4151
  1. Navigate to placements via person search
  2. Create Placement 
  3. Check server Error
  4. Check validation error after entering invalid data on form.
  5. Edit placements

  1. Create bulk Placements
  2. Unlink Placement
  3. Move current placement to past placement.

  4.  Delete future placement.

  1. TISDEV-3625
  2. TISDEV-3623
  3. TISDEV-3622
  4. TISDEV-3943
  5. TISDEV-4029
  6. TISDEV-4048
  7. TISDEV-4160
  8. TISDEV-4161
  9. TISDEV-4268
  10. TISDEV-4270
  11. TISDEV-4271
  1. Navigate to Post
  2. View Post List
  3. View Post List after applying sorting and filters on header
  4. Create Post
  5. View/Edit Post Details
  6. Check validation error after entering invalid data on form.
  7. Check server error
  8. Search Post
  9. Link new Post to Old post

  1. Bulk create Post
  2. view placement history in post & link out to placement detail
  3. Decommission Old Post

Post test cases  4, 5 ,6 has been avoided as waiting for post bugs to be fixed.

  1. TISDEV-3633
  2. TISDEV-3950
  3. TISDEV-3951
  4. TISDEV-4115
  5. TISDEV-4255
  1. Navigate to Programme after login from UI
  2. Create Programme
  3. view/Edit Programme
  4. check server error
  5. search programme

  1. view associated posts
  2. view associated trainers
  3. view associated rotations
  4. Assign Programme

Navigate to Programme from ......where?




Curriculum sub type
  1. Navigate to curriculum sub type
  2. Create Curriculum sub type
  3. view/Edit Curriculum sub type
  4. check server error 

  1. Navigate to Speciality
  2. View Speciality List after applying filters and sorting on header
  3. Create Speciality
  4. Edit Speciality
  5. Check server error



  1. Navigate to Speciality-Group
  2. Check column sorting and list Speciality Group data
  3. Create Speciality-Group
  4. Update Speciality-Group
  5. Check server error
  6. Check validation error after entering invalid data on form elements

Test case 6 has been avoided as waiting to defect to be fixed.

  1. TISDEV-3691

Manage Connections

Create Connection:

  1. Navigate to create Manage Connection
  2. Check pagination,  cloumn sorting and filters
  3. Create Connection
  4. Check connection request response

Remove Connection:

  1. Navigate to remove Manage Connection
  2. Check pagination,  cloumn sorting and filters
  3. Remove Connection
  4. Check connection request response

  1. TISDEV-3733
  2. TISDEV-3666
  3. TISDEV-4100
  1. Navigate to Curriculum
  2. load curriculum record after applying sorting and filtering
  3. Create Curriculum
  4. Edit Curriculum
  5. Check server error


1. Navigate to assessments after login from UI
2. Load/ view assessments List through people search journey
3. Test Assessments Pagination and Column filter and Sorting (similar test scenarios will be tested across components)

  • load page
  • display smart search
  • display pagination
  • display column headers with column sorting and filters
  • Apply and remove column filter and reset results
  • Apply sorting on column filter

4. Create Assessments after login and select assessments
5. Edit assessment after clicking a record

8. Test validation error when user inputs invalid data

9. Test server error

10. Select post-assessment outcome from event drop down and store post-assessment details

11. Select pre-assessment details from event drop down and store pre-assessment details

12. View/Edit/ Store re-validation details from event drop down within assessment.

1. Bulk Create Assessments

  1. Sorting for columns trainee first name and review data is not working. (TISDEV-3927)
  2. Not able to search assessment record after creating a new record as assessment ID in header is not searchable.
  3. Post-assessment details are not getting saved after clicking save after filling three mandatory fields. (TISDEV-3932)
  4. Not able to search post-assessment and pre-assessment record after saving the record and redirecting to person record list as there is no smart search or pagination details or any other search criteria exist. (test steps): a.Navigate to assessment list through UI   b. select a record from list and select pre-assessment details or post assessment details from event dropdown.  c. enter the details and click on save. d. click on go back to person record. 

5. Server error not getting populated when clicking on save without entering any details on the form. (TISDEV-3926)

6. selected status Filter name should come above table header which is not getting displayed now when someone select any of the status filter.(TISDEV-3935)




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