Trainee UI - User Stories

Trainee UI - User Stories

Page content:

User stories (BA's/PO)

This is what came out of a session between PO and BA’s to flesh out high-level stories off the back of the documented pages. These might need to be further refined and broken down on to smaller stories by devs.


Item no.


User Story


Item no.


User Story




As a Trainee
I want to receive my sign in details via email with clear instructions
So that I have access to TIS and know what to use it for

  • Login details created

  • Login details sent via email

  • Clear instructions on the email

  • What is TIS for, what sort of information they can access?

  • Consent to Cookie & Privacy Policy (TISNEW-3145)

As a Trainee
I want to be able to reset my password
So That I can access my account if I forget my password

As a Trainee
I want to have access to my personal details
So That I have one place to verify accuracy of my details.

Personal details:

Trainee UI - Field Validation#FieldValidation-1.PERSONALDETAILS




Programme and Curricula

As a Trainee
I want to be able to see my current and future Programme and curriculum membership I am training on
So That I can ensure placement details against the programme are accurate

Concept design




As a Trainee
I want to have visibility of my placements and rotations information
So That I can ensure placement details are accurate and I have a way of knowing where I am going to be training next

UX: Initial Discovery from 2017 (Steve)

TIS Trainee UI - Log in, Placements - Mobile & Desktop




As a Trainee
I want to have visibility of my assessments including upcoming ones
So That I can ensure I have the essential documents for my next ARCP and track my progression.




As a Trainee
I want to be able to complete my Form R Part A electronically
So that I can submit it easily and in time for registration purposes and reconfirm my details

As a Trainee
I want to be able to complete my Form R Part B electronically
So that I can submit it easily and in time for my Assessment

Acceptance criteria similar for both:

  • Form R Part A and B (and similar forms for non-medical trainees) available to complete and submit electronically

  • Available on mobile or computer

  • Pre-populated fields and options relating to trainee (e.g. should only be able to select placements relevant to their specialty - with override option for special cases)

    • Note: This information is not going to update TIS details initially but held separately for the trainee UI.

    • Where reference data is being updated, ensure drop-downs are provided

  • Electronic signature or validation via log in credentials

  • Form can be saved and completed at a later date

  • User can add, edit and save multiple declarations to a Form R before submission

  • User can review Form R before submitting, and go back and edit Form R information

  • Upon submitting Form R is not editable and a date stamp is added

Field validation:

UX: Initial Discovery from 2017 (Steve)

TIS Trainee UI - Form design, menu - Mobile & Desktop

Admin Side:

As an Admin
I want to be able to access submitted Form R's and unlock/unsubmit them
So that a trainee can make changes and re-submit their Form/s

  • Ability to access and unlock/unsubmit a Form-R for re-submission

  • Form R part b is linked to an Assessment

  • Form R part A is linked to a Programme membership

Look at Foundation Form R’s and align where possible.


  • Programme membership start date? - > Part A

  • Assessment dates? - >Part B


https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3947 - (story was split)






As a TIS Admin
I want trainees to be notified to complete a Form R Part A
So that they can submit it in time for registration purposes and reconfirm their details

As a TIS Admin
I want trainees to be notified to complete a Form R Part B
So that they can submit it in time for their Assessment

As a TIS Admin
I want trainees to be reminded to complete a Form R Part A if they have started but not submitted a form R A
So that they can submit it in time for registration purposes and reconfirm their details

As a TIS Admin
I want trainees to be reminded to complete a Form R Part B if they have started but not submitted a form R B
So that they can submit it in time for their Assessment

As a TIS Admin/Trainee
I want notifications/confirmations to be received upon submitting my Form
So that there is visible record of when it was submitted

As a Trainee
I want to be able to flag up if something is not correct or something has changed to TIS Admins
So that TIS/ESR admin can update with correct information

  • Profile Notification

  1. Links

  2. Prompt

  3. Acceptance/decline

  4. Interactive

As a TIS Admin
I want to be able to set Notifications to alert Trainees about there ARCP/forms
So that Trainees can be reminded about ARCP and scheduling this in Calendars

  • Assessment - Mandatory Notification?

  • Forms - Mandatory Notification?

  • general way of informing Trainees they need to contact their Administrator or have got Training courses, Core, Events, General information etc. - Mandatory/Non-mandatory Notifications?

As a TIS Admin
I want to be able to notify the trainee of the next placement (12 weeks) and (LET) + Option to raise a query via the notifications
So that Trainees can be reminded

  • Placement - Mandatory Notification?

The trainees must not be able to:

  1. Decline the notification

  2. Change anything because of the notification

  3. The admins need to know the Trainee has read the notification

  4. No calendar link as this may cause issues with other dates?

  5. This should then go back to the Admins for confirmation

  • Programme: current/future ….????




As a
I want to
So that

https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/sites/TISProcessAG/Shared Documents/Standard Operating Procedures/SOP_LTFT_Oct19.pdf?csf=1&e=lbNEfk&cid=a8395bf2-407a-47f5-8c94-c06184830bbd

Session with some admins to flesh out:

  • Process of filling in the Form

  • When is it required?

  • What is it used for ?




As_Is and To Be Support workflows for Trainees Self Service

As a trainee
I want to be able to receive support where I have queries regarding using Trainee Self Service or Submitting specific forms
So that my confusions or specific issues can be resolved in time



Make Forms reportable in NDW

As a TIS Admin
I want to be able to report on the submitted forms data in the National Data Warehouse
So that I can identify what has changed on the trainee details







Other Forms???

Leave request for future placements????



Questions and Assumptions








This personal details modified by the trainee is not going to update TIS details initially but held separately for the trainee UI.



Ade: *No NI in the list *???


Ashley: This is not training information although we store it in the BE for the sole purpose of sending and enriching ESR NI information. Need to question this as to why should we and whether we can make it visible on TIS Admin UI and eventually Trainee UI.


Does the submitted Form Rs need to be kept as a record accessible to TIS admins?

If so in what format and how do they access it? (e.g. does it need to be PDF’d as a record within Documents or a Trainee?

Yes - refer to the GMC Gold Guide on (Lawsuit, SAR) on how this should be made accessible and downloadable. This is a legal document that can be used at appeals.

@James Harris (GMC gold guide reference)








Jira Tickets

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


Architecture and Technical Level stories

These are technical stories created by the DEV team.

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


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