Sprint 67 Review (2019-02-13)

Sprint 67 Review (2019-02-13)

  • POs present a review of Sprint goals
  • Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no more reference to specific list of Jira tickets, and no more reference to work not 'done')
  • POs supported by Dev team provide narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result
  • Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)
  • POs present the roadmap
  • Stakeholders / Users invited to comment and advise on any changes that should be considered (after Sprint Review, POs coordinate amendments to the roadmap)


(assume Team Availability Calendar is up to date, otherwise, everyone was available for 9 days of the Sprint

Full team availability 9-day Sprint * 10 dev team members90 days




-9 days

-3 days

0.5 days

Total team absence-12.5 days

Sprint Priorities

The following list was the prioritisation output from Sprint Planning - largely a stabilisation Sprint:

  1. Adding Create|Edit|Delete elements to the Placement Planning Tool;
  2. Correcting Trust access roles;
  3. Consolidating Admins UI to Angular 5;
  4. Resolving Other Specialties bug


The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review

key summary type assignee status business value story points (effort) priority (bv*sp)


TIS Ref / Owner


Description of work
Link. e.g. to working software https://apps.tis.nhs.uk/
(note: use Dev for obfuscated data)
Loom video of completed work https://www.useloom.com/

Knowledge transfer:

  1. Confluence housekeeping - especially deleting documentation that is out of date. Ongoing
  2. Dev standards (Dev meeting / series of meetings). Ongoing
  3. Pairing / Mobbing
  4. Git-commit messages
  5. Walk-throughs (prep as you go - links?). 
  6. Architectural level diagrams
  1. Andy Nash (Unlicensed)

  2. All Dev team
  3. All Dev team
  4. All Dev team
  5. All Dev team
  6. All Dev team


Resource Planning:

Andy Nash (Unlicensed) | Philip Wilsdon (Unlicensed)

Shortlisting Lead dev in Manchester and DevOps in London.

FSD (Joseph) in London starting on 1 April.

Current vacancies (including the above):

Manchester: Lead Dev, FED, Junior Dev

London: DevOps, FED