Sprint 11 Review (2020-02-05 to 2020-02-18)

Sprint 11 Review (2020-02-05 to 2020-02-18)

PO present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Sprint Goal

  • Enabling the validation and automated testing of updates to personal data received by ESR, to ensure data in TIS is updated as expected and the information about a trainee is up to date, accurate and complete especially for the TIS ESR applicant process
  • As a trainee, when I open the trainee interface, I can see all my current and future training information

POs supported by Dev team provide a narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:


type summary story points (effort) assignee created status

Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

DemoAreaDemo - from Prod URL where feasible

ESR Bi-directional


Where we are now

No change in user functionality, set up testing environment, improved robustness and validation of data storage. The end result is making sure the Bi-Directional personal data is transfered back correctly to TIS from ESR in a way which is testable and repeatable. 

Integration Environment Powerpoint


Display current and future placements

Trainee UI


Live demo on local environment

Nothern Ireland On boarding:

Spike: Northern Ireland - Admins access to TIS

NIDiscussion and PoC

Plan/Outcomes of the Spike:

  • Generalise the users as their generic names i.e. ‘Admin’, ‘TIS Admin’ rather than calling them as HEE Admin,

NIMDTA Admin or HEE TIS Admin, NIMDTA TIS Admin. This can be done if we add Entity (Nation/Country) layer

in the User Management.

  • Nothern Ireland can be considered as one of the Local offices.
  • Users, trainees and Local offices will be associated with the Entity not with roles or permission.
  • Update the SQL and Elastic Search queries to filter data based on Entity.
  • Need a seperate environment for testing the deployment of NI.


Disabled the inactive curriculums while adding a curriculum in the program membership.


TISNEW-3386 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Demo from stage


If no value has been provided for a GMC/GDC/PH number form the TIS UI, then they should be sent and saved as nulls in the database.

If GMC/GDC/PH numbers are entered with extra white spaces (leading, trailing and extra middle.) then it should be removed when saving or at least prompt the user to correct before saving.


Bulk Upload

Frontend validation:

TISNEW-3696 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Bulk upload:

Database update:

Updated all empty string values to NULL, and removed all of the whitespaces.

When registration numbers are exported to NDW, there wouldn't be any extra whitespaces and empty string values.

Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

Sprint Goal (achieved? (thumbs up) / (thumbs down)): 

  • Enabling the validation and automated testing of updates to personal data received by ESR, to ensure data in TIS is updated as expected and the information about a trainee is up to date, accurate and complete especially for the TIS ESR applicant process
  • As a trainee, when I open the trainee interface, I can see all my current and future training information

Current Priorities

- Overall and next sprint

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