Sprint 9 Review (2020-01-08 to 2020-01-21).

Sprint 9 Review (2020-01-08 to 2020-01-21).

This was a 4-week Sprint to account for Christmas Day and New Years Day falling on Wednesdays, throwing our normal Sprint schedule out.

PO present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Sprint Goal

  • Adding trainer approvals to TIS and continuing with the development of Trainee UI (login)
  • Upgrade of Angular as it blocking tickets (PPT Approve all and updates to reference tables)

POs supported by Dev team provide a narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:

type summary story points (effort) assignee created status

Sprint Challenges 

Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

DemoAreaDemo - from Prod URL where feasible
  • Access to personal details e.g. Names, title, telephone, address etc
  • Header - Service manual
Trainee UI

Recording of Trainer approvals in TIS

This sprint:

  • New trainers approval tab available to the HEE admins roles (Hee Admin, Reval Admin, Hee Admin Sensitive, Hee TIS Admin)
  • New Tab available against persons records with one of the Clinical Supervisors/Educational Supervisors/Leave Approver Non Administrator roles under the People Sensitive tab
  • HEE Admins have the ability to view/add/edit/delete trainers approval details to People on TIS
  • Adding one of the trainers roles will make the Trainers Approval tab available
  • All editable fields are non-mandatory under the Trainer approval tab as the first increment, given there will be a task for the Admins/Data Leads to add dates to the existing trainer records
  • Removing all the ES/CS/LA Non Admin roles against the person, triggers a warning and removes the Trainers Approval tab. 

Next increment:

  • Migrating the existing Trainers currently captured under 'Training Status' and set their Approval Status to CURRENT (ES/CS/LA Non Admin) under the new Trainers approval tab
  • Sending the Trainers approval table data to NDW
  • Placements edits/creations to be refactored to pick CURRENT Educational and Clinical Supervisors based on the Approval Status field under the new Trainers approval tab

Future increment/s:

  • A bulk upload tool to update People based on TIS Person ID and set their Trainers Approval
  • Once all existing data has been tidied up by data leads, consider setting the Approval Status based on Start and End dates automatically
  • Consider Making the dates fields and Approval Status read-only/calculated

Core TIShttps://www.loom.com/share/b441a92e6e154f4e869a28d5c6cc7c63
  • Rejection of messages that fail mandatory validation
  • Deal with placements being able to be deleted
  • Find a persons ID from GMC/GDC number
  • Allow mastered data (ESR) which is sent to TIS to be inserted or updated in TIS
  • Investigation - Handle data type records from RMT files - allows TIS to provide best data to ESR app files and notifications
  • Create audit service to read messages and allow reporting/issue identification
ESR Bi-Directional Project

Where we were

Where we are now

Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

Sprint Goal (achieved? (thumbs up) / (thumbs down)): 

  • Adding trainer approvals to TIS and continuing with the development of Trainee UI (login)
  • Upgrade of Angular as it blocking tickets (PPT Approve all and updates to reference tables)

Current Priorities

- Overall and next sprint

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