Sprint 12 Review (2020-02-19 to 2020-03-02)

Sprint 12 Review (2020-02-19 to 2020-03-02)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • Make TIS Self Service accessible to users so we can get them involved with feedback.
  • Set up the Reval build environment to enable collaboration with Reval users throughout development.
  • Continue building out test environment for ESR Bi-Di and progress work on type 5 notifications.

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:


type summary story points (effort) assignee created status


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

AreaSquadWho's demoingDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


  1. Existing system
  2. Bi-directional

ESRPhil James (Unlicensed)

  1. Where we were at the start of the Sprint
    1. Recap 
      1. Last sprint we Created the new Notifications service that would hold the new code that generates all notifications
      2. Fixed issues in the data exporter where sometimes the files weren't uploaded depending on which server that the job was running on
      3. Stabilised the Neo audit service
      4. Started work on getting atomic database and messaging actions
      5. Started work on extracting common code for easy re-use and time shaving 
  2. Where we are now
    1. Overview
      1. Updated ALL of the Java based services to use the common code library, this gives all services the ability to send messages in a standard format AND apply rollbacks and retries when needed
    2. Things that are not quite ready
      1. Reacting to new Posts being created in TIS by creating Notification Type 5 (Post created) records
      2. Generalising data export code as there is a lot of shared functionality between App generation and Notifications
      3. BDD tests
      4. Database infrastructure for rollbacks



ify.onyenokweorhiunu (Unlicensed)

Muhammad Uzair Baig (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint: kicked off the new team

Where we are now:

  • documented issues with current Revalidation/Connections implementation with most local offices
  • validated end to end revalidation process with users and mapped here: Revalidation Process, Issues & Considerations
  • high-level story-mapping completed and product canvas drafted to provide an overview of what needs to be done to support the end to end journeys for Revalidation - here
  • Backend infrastructure to begin revalidation work has been setup. Which include client application which will communicate with GMC Connect.
  • A mock application is also setup which will be act live GMC Connect for testing purpose which will provide doctors information.

Northern Ireland on-boarding - Provides a facility to create users/administrators for Northern Ireland within TIS so that they can access and manage NI trainees. 

  • A new higher level of categorisation at a higher level than Local Office introduced, called 'Entity', in order to allow separation of data in the existing model 
  • Ability to create a new Admin User with Access to one or more entities (HEE, NI) within User Management UI. 
  • Existing admins will be mapped to 'HEE' entity by default.

Next steps:

  • Trainees list will be shown based on the assigned entities to the user. (NI admin users get to see only trainees  that belong to NI Local Offices etc.)

TISNEW-3896 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Jayanta Saha

Babul.Yasa (Unlicensed)





Andy DingleySonar Demo


  • Next Sprint
  • Overall

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