Sprint 16 Review (2020-04-15 to 2020-04-28)

Sprint 16 Review (2020-04-15 to 2020-04-28)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • Resolve the specialty bug which caused the deletion of post specialties
  • Deploy the new Reval app to a public URL for Reval Admins to browse and feedback
  • Continue the support of the extended ESR pilot

Live Issues:

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

type summary created status

Incident Logs

2020-04-14 20,000 Post Specialities Missing

2020-04-16 Users not able to login - too many DB connections

2020-04-23 Bulk Post create - setting Auto-generate flag ON instead on Manual


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

AreaSquadTeam RepresentativeDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


Continue the support of the extended ESR pilot

  • 1. Documentation / supporting the core TIS Team with the synchronisation between TIS and TIS Self Service as the solution is likely to based on similar technology that is used in the ESR bi-directional solution and being used in the pilot.
  • 2. Service Stability - ensuring that some of the services that run, if there is a connection issue they automatically reconnect. 
  • 3. Message retrieval for the auditing service - If there is an issue and some investigation is required, this provides the ability to pull complete audit message records from the EsrAudit service database to support investigations
  • 4. Investigating missing app records for Milton Keynes
ESRPhil James (Unlicensed)

Review of pilot output

  1. Deploy the new Reval app to a public URL for Reval Admins to browse and feedback

Where we were at the start of the sprint:

  • We did not have the public URL ready for Reval so that users could have a look and give us feedback.
  • We enhanced the summary page by adding sorting, pagination and reset trainees list features on our local machines.

Where we are now:

  • We successfully deployed a public URL for the users - demo. 
  • We enhanced the summary page by adding search and filtering features - demo.

The URL is https://stage-revalidation.tis.nhs.uk/

TISLiveDefect: 20,000 Posts Specialties MissingTIS

Joseph (Pepe) Kelly2020-04-14 20,000 Post Specialities Missing
LiveDefect: Users not able to log into TIS - Reported 07:30 AM on 16th April 20202020-04-16 Users not able to login - too many DB connections
LiveDefect: Issue with Bulk Post Creation whereby NPNs are regenerated when they are updated subsequently. Andy Dingley2020-04-23 Bulk Post create - setting Auto-generate flag ON instead on Manual

TIS Self Service


Where we were at the start of the sprint

  • Deployment Process
  • Still work left on Form R Part A

Where we are now:


Add Site Code to vwSite in the NDWYafang Deng

  • Little updates

Remove Programme and Curriculum memberships attached to LeaveManagerApprovers Programmes
Fix sync and reference services security vulnerability


  • Next Sprint
  • Overall

Post-Sprint Review survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5RRM8HG

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