Sprint 15 Review (2020-03-31 to 2020-04-14)

Sprint 15 Review (2020-03-31 to 2020-04-14)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • To support the national Covid-19 response - support creation of new posts using bulk upload
  • Enhance the Reval Summary view with displayed totals ('All Doctors' and 'Under notice'), sort (selected columns) and pagination, and Recommendations summary pages
  • Bi-directional TIS/ESR pilot launch and designing the TIS Self-Service data supply

Live Issues:

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result


type summary story points (effort) assignee created status


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

AreaSquadTeam RepresentativeDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


  1. Bi-directional - Pilot launch
ESRPhil James (Unlicensed)

Pilot summary: the update process looks good. We are correctly processing what ESR sends and rejecting updates for non valid scenarios (e.g. if the trainee is inactive). Our concerns have only been about data sent to us which we will follow up with the ESR team on.

Revalidation - Summary view page (enhancements)RevalOmar Mirza (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint:
We displayed real data from GMC Connect on the summary page.

Where we are now:
We enhanced the summary page by adding sorting, pagination and reset trainees list features.

TIS - creation of new posts using bulk upload
TISAndy Dingley

Where we were at the start of the sprint: It was not possible to create posts in bulk through the TIS application.

Where we are now: A bulk upload template is available for Post creation and can be uploaded to create all valid posts added to the template.


Andy DingleyHEE Code Management to support multiple teams


  • Next Sprint
  • Overall

Post-Sprint Review survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5RRM8HG

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