Sprint 13 Review (2020-03-03 to 2020-03-17)

Sprint 13 Review (2020-03-03 to 2020-03-17)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • As an HEE Admin, I want to be able to record and maintain Sites approval periods against sites, So that I can ensure Approved sites are used to manage placements on TIS and meet the standards set out by the GMC
  • Create an initial summary view for the rebuilt Revalidation service
  • Complete work on ESR Bi-Directional Type 5 notifications.

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:


type summary story points (effort) assignee created status


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

AreaSquadWho's demoingDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


  1. Existing system
  2. Bi-directional - Type 5 notifications


Where we were:

  • Updated the system to use a common library that'll save time and share features

Where we are now:

  • Experiments with Behaviour Driven Development tests
  • Integration test environment ready
  • Clustered database setup complete
  • Work time equivalent (WTE) complete
  • Notifications of new Posts are now being sent to ESR


Replica sets and Transactions


Revalidation - initial summary view pageReval

Omar Mirza (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint:

  • Initial infrastructure and revalidation app setup.
  • A mock service which serve as a GMC Connect has been setup.

Where we are now:

  • Integrate new Client app with GMC Connect.
  • Pulling doctors information from GMC Connect to new Revalidation app.
  • Add endpoints into Mock application which reflect current GMC Connect implementation.
  • Created initial view of under notice trainees list page using mock data
Approved sites used to manage placements in TIS
TIS Jayanta Saha

All training programmes should be approved by the appropriate regulator, College or other approval giving body or individual. In the case of GP programmes this also includes the practice site and trainer.

As a HEE Admin, the user wants to be able to record and maintain Sites approval periods against sites
So that they can ensure Approved sites are used to manage placements on TIS and meet the standards set out by the GMC

The Approval fields for Sites are not currently on NDW. Those fields have been added to the NDW ETL and sent to NDW
so that report can be prepared using those fields.

This story is specifically for recording of Start and end dates against Site reference - to inform whether sites are current and approved for use.

For MVP, it was suggested to cover only GP sites and trainers approvals. Both of them are released by now.


Security vulnerability fixes


Andy Dingley

Where we were

  • A new tool, Sonarcloud, was set up to help analyse the quality of our code across several metrics.
  • Sonarcloud identified 22 security vulnerabilities across our analysed TIS services.

Where we are now

  • 10 security vulnerabilities fixed in "TIS Core Services".
  • 12 issues remain across six services.
    • 9 "critical"
    • 3 "minor"
Northern Ireland on-boardingNIAndy Dingley

Where we were

  • Investigation had been done to identify the approach for filtering records shown in TIS (e.g. trainees, posts) based on whether the data belonged to NI or HEE.
  • Initial changes were made to our User Management tool to add an "Entity" selection between HEE and NI.

Where are are now

  • Progress has been made on the User Management side to allow correct propagation of the "Entity" selection to the relevant user records.
  • We had some concerns about the approach for filtering the records, after further investigation it was determined that the proposed approach would not be suitable.
    As a result we were unable to achieve our original plans to forward the implementation of this, instead focusing on formulating a new, more secure, approach.
  • We now have a new approach which more closely follows standard practices and have implemented a working proof of concept.


  • Next Sprint
  • Overall

Post-Sprint Review survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ZFGP6GM

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