Sprint 17 Review (2020-04-29 to 2020-05-12)

Sprint 17 Review (2020-04-29 to 2020-05-12)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • Reval Team: Rebuild the Reval Stage environment as code so it can be rebuilt on demand and a Prod environment can be built |
  • Core TIS Team: As a TIS Admin, I want to be able to record the new outcome 10 as a result of COVID. As a trainee, I can complete section 1 of form R part B
  • ESR Team: Generate (Type 1) notifications for placements

Live Issues:

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

type summary created status

Incident Logs

2020-05-04 PersonOwner job failed affecting local office filters


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

SquadAreaTeam RepresentativeDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


Pilot updatePhil James (Unlicensed)
Auditing tooldavid.hay (Unlicensed)https://www.loom.com/share/acd965db75684fd4809c468dcf96d824
Monitoring queue healthJoseph (Pepe) KellyDev demo
Service level business flow mappingPhil James (Unlicensed)
Revalidation:Deploy the new Reval app to a public URL for Reval Admins to browse and feedbackMark Jackson (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint:

  • We successfully deployed a public URL for the users - demo. 
  • We enhanced the summary page by adding search and filtering features - demo.

Where we are now:

  • We enhanced the application by adding can login, logout and and reset password features
  • We enhanced the summary page by correcting the date formats displayed

The URL is https://stage-revalidation.tis.nhs.uk/

TISForm R, Part B, Section 1 - Doctor DetailsBabul.Yasa (Unlicensed)
Assessments - recording an Outcome 10.1 or 10.2Andy Dingley
Unable to bulk upload rotationsAndy Dingley


Next Sprint

Objective Key Results (OKRs) Financial Q1

TIS Self Service


Bi-Directional Project

Redesigning TIS architecture


Complete Form R Data Capture


Deliver new platform and access to the recommendations app


Single directional ESR Service is adopted, Bi-directional ESR service is available in Production, and launching the new app and notifications service


Team Prepared for AWS migration in Q2

Key Results

100% records in TIS Self Service From TIS

Key Results

Sustainable UM system: linking new AWS based authentication to the existing KeyCloak

Key Results

Process 100% of files received from ESR successfully

Key Results

Consultation with Amazon

2 Feedback sessions with admins/trainee reps

Onboard Reval Admins: all Reval admins have access to the app, and are signed up into Cognito

Provide 100% of files to ESR using the new code base

Architecture Diagram developed

<10% errors on form R submissions

Penetration testing showing no critical/high issues: or any critical issues have been resolved

Minimum 90% reduction in duplicate applicant records produced

Backlog Ready – Tickets created

View and edit recommendations: Reval users are able to view all, and edit recommendations for trainees

1 deanery evaluated for bi-directional functionality

All hands sharing

Single directional ESR is used by 80% of doctors in training posts

Post-Sprint Review survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5RRM8HG

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