Sprint 14 Review (2020-03-18 to 2020-03-31)

Sprint 14 Review (2020-03-18 to 2020-03-31)

Sprint goals review with team feedback

Sprint Goal

  • As a test user of TIS Self Service, I can complete form R part A
  • Adding a detail page to the new Reval service and enhancing the summary page inline with user feedback
  • Ready for the pilot - supporting trust level processing and ensuring data security

Live Issues:

Any live defects or interruptions? Any committed-to tickets were moved out as a result


type summary story points (effort) assignee created status


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')

AreaSquadWho's demoingDemo - from Prod URL where feasible


  1. Existing system
    1. Bi-directional - 
      • Ready for pilot
      • Supporting trust level processing
      • Ensuring data security
  2. ESR notification for change in whole time equivalent of current trainee


Phil J

Where we were:

Where we are now:


WTE: https://www.loom.com/share/38622f6e9faf42f78b3edbe558113467


Revalidation - initial summary view page (enhancements)RevalOmar Mirza (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint:

We displayed mock data on summary page.

Where we are now:

Summary page displays real data from GMC Connect.

Revalidation - detail page (recommendation)Revalfemi ojemuyiwa (Unlicensed)

Where we are now:

We display mock-data on trainee doctors recommendation page along with initial user experience flow. 

TIS Self Service, form R part A
TISBabul.Yasa (Unlicensed)

Where we were at the start of the sprint:

We displayed mock data on profile page with trainee details.

Where we are now:

Added Form-R (Part-A) page to the application.
Logged in trainee can submit a new Form-R (Part-A) through this page. Form will be pre-populated with available trainee profile details. User can edit and submit details.

Next steps,

Form-R (Part-A) administration like enable the trainee to edit a submitted form etc.



  • Next Sprint
  • Overall

Post-Sprint Review survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HS767WK

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