Sprint 09 Review (2016-10-11)

Sprint 09 Review (2016-10-11)


The following items were shared by team members during this sprint review

Revalidation UI development

App here: https://dev-api.transformcloud.net/revalidation/


Login screen text and logo + validation

Provide recommendation screen + validation

Submit and review screen → submit

Submitted to GMC screen

In progress flag

Smart search

Variable columns

Piped in placements

Piped in ARCP

Piped in self declaration

New Concerns log screen

Revalidation Service Design and User Research
ARCP discovery
Other dev output

Alex Dobre (Unlicensed) the picture here: /wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/12288030

Enhanced AUTH service to hold user info - made that available to the auth cookie and to add admin to trainee functionality

Environments and configuration management

Azure Jenkins link https://build-hee.transformcloud.net/jenkins/
Azure App link https://dev-api.transformcloud.net/revalidation/

Private docker registry deployed within Azure utilising blob storage.

Prod and test instances now deployed. Restriction being that the reserved IP's are not transferable between geographic availability zones. Next step to automate maintenance and build with Ansible and app deployment with Jenkins

Created MySQL instance in order to reduce the number of docker containers required to run our application. This is a stepping stone to utilising Azure's SQL service.

DNS requests made

GMC Access for production

Intrepid Integration

Update on progress with Hicom

Test Intrepid Instance with their Training data set has been stood up, together with a Data Respository linked from it - /wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/34406572

BDD Test Engineering

HEE User Issue Management Process (Bugs and improvements)

Security testing (client-side) using /wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/34406590 of basic scanning and brute force attacks.

Product Owner / Business Analysis

Dawn Money (Deactivated) Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)


Concerns Log User Stories

Beta Pilot area

HEE Stakeholder Management - Learning Lunches , Regional Workshops

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