Sprint 24 Review (2017-05-30)

Sprint 24 Review (2017-05-30)


The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review




Revalidation Application rollout

LASE live for all 4 designated bodies - All 30+ users have been setup to use the live system and have been trained.

Rollout to North East has been completed. Alistair visited the Newcastle office to do a session with the Revalidation officer and ensure there was an appropriate level of confidence in using the app.

The wheels are in motion for both the West Midlands and Yorkshire and Humber. We await confirmation of the DB codes.

Application updates - Revalidation / Concerns Log / Notifications

App here: http://dev-apps.lin.nhs.uk/

  • live support and bug fixes
  • HENE went live
  • Admins UI has a header, permissions, i18n and has profile entities

Manage GMC ConnectionsAde Oduwole (Unlicensed)
  • Manage GMC Connections stories drafted and fully elaborated. Stories refined with Service Managers
  • Walkthrough of stories with the development to be scheduled once the feature is identified as candidate for sprint
Service Design


TIS Core Services Alpha build

Alex Dobre (Unlicensed), Paul Hoang (Unlicensed), Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed), Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed), Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

  • Paul Hoang (Unlicensed) ETL development for reference service
  • Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed) adding permissions to the Reference and TCS service UIs.
    We have built the new permissions with angular 2 and created a private NPM module in order to be able to pull it in and use it at any Angular app.
  • Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed) creating the new Admin UI base.
    We have created a clean Angular app, that uses bootstrap 4.
    Main configuration has been completed. More will follow going forward.
    Currently in the process of pulling in a service build in with JHipster.

    Github Repo: https://github.com/Health-Education-England/TIS-ADMINS-UI
    Story:                      TISDEV-1940                    -             Setup angular app for admin services                                                             In Progress            

  • Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed) - Exclude unneccessary views from the intrepid-extract Jenkins job

  • Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) Met with RCS to discuss integration and we've agreed to share API documentation. Current understanding is that they will push data to us following assessments.
  • Ade Oduwole (Unlicensed) / Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) Systems analysis of Intrepid to identify the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to deliver for the Programme and Curricula component is in progress . Also reviewing product backlog and a session planned with Programme Managers w/c30 May.
National Data Warehouse - Intrepid MirrorGraham O'Regan (Unlicensed)
  • Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) - Instance of Intrepid DR mirror is up and running on the same server as our anonymised data.
  • Investigating alternative approaches to ingesting data because the window is quite short.
  • Reinstated the extract in Jenkins to provide better visibility of the extracts
  • Added additional tasks to check the size of the DR data nightly.
  • Getting LRMP extract see if it would be useful to us.
    1. Prometheus (framework to support multiple environements dev, stage, prod)
    2. Ansible CMDB
    3. DNS records
    4. UI Dev environment
    5. TIS-03 and TIS-04 releases

Product Management

  • Research and Analysis kick held on 24 May as planned. Met with the Lead Dean and Lead Business Manager for Assessments.
Resource PlanningReuben Noot (Deactivated)

Digital Outcome procurement - TIS Core Services Alpha/Beta

Contractual terms and negotiations continue, resourcing the roles is underway,

Vetting the Digital Outcomes team resources

Facilities - Stewart House moveRay Hill (Unlicensed)

Need to capture software in use - account p/word details

New chairs ordered

Filing cabs removed

Additional desks requested (2 + 1 standing/hot desk)

The snagging list has a few remaining items on it.

ADMINS UI APPPanos Paralakis (Unlicensed)
  • Configured e2e testing (prortactor)
  • Accessibility testing has been configured. It runs through protractor
  • Added services navigation
  • Added service entities navigation
  • Added profile service
  • Set-upped unit testing coverage reports
  • Set-upped localisation and translations
  • Fixed issue on permissions/authorisation module
  • Working on importing reference service

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