Sprint 37 Review (2017-11-29)

Sprint 37 Review (2017-11-29)

Sprint Priorities

The following list was the prioritisation output from Sprint Planning:


Emanuele - 2 day

Joanne - 7.5 days

Alistair - 7 days

Simon - 6 days

Russ - 2 days

Jagadeesh - 7 days

Fayaz - 7 days

Product Management

Rationalise MVP stories from TIS Project across to TISDEV

Bulk upload people support

ESR mapping support

Assessments - support UI development

Reporting - standard reports through to Kais for development

Tech review of Case Management / Concerns Log

Next level definition on MVP - Capture agreements

Review approach to Trust engagement


Migrate to DR V2

ETL refactoring - performance and stability

Create User automation - becomes a non-developer task

Oriel - complete to load data into TIS Production

Assessments - ETL / UI

Bulk upload People 


Deployments: We need to get to the point where we can release during working hours - Blue / Green

Move MySQL databases to managed service

Support HEE OPS with IE11 and compatibility mode across the organisation


People to Owner relationship to implement

Ongoing data purification on Posts/Placements/Programmes


The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review




Production Application releases / updates:



Product Management

Oriel Import

  • Looked at Automated ingestion of Oriel import rather than managing incomplete fields in a UI
  • Programmes mapping identified as a task to be completed by Data Leads and get confirmation from LO's
  • Looked at mapping and managing Immigration statuses and identified discrepancies. This is another task identified for Data Leads to complete.

Bulk Upload of People

  • Finalised stories and validation rules as well as the minimum set of fields to validate in the import.


  • National Datawarehouse meeting with TIS Team and Data Department colleagues took place on Friday 24th to discuss steps taken in the project so far and creation of actions.
    • JW ran through the needs of the end users
    • Actions split into two parts - technical and business
    • Business actions:
      • JW to forward to JT a list of example reports that are needed by all/majority of local offices to allow us to see if the data warehouse in its current build can produce these reports. If not it will be improved/fixed to allow this.
      • Use Tableau to test if the reports can be accessed by a variety of end users with the use of filters to allow the production of reports by local offices, programmes, trusts etc.
      • Look at automation of production of reports

Autogeneration of NTNs

  • Data flow from Oriel to TIS and additional info needed for NTN creation
  • Meeting set up with SMLs for the 28/11/17 to agree/understand NTN creation requirements

Rationalise MVP Stories

  • MVP stories moved across from TIS backlog into TISDEV
  • all other product focused stories reviewed and moved as appropriate

ESR Mapping

  • ESR mapping completed and updated to meet current values

Case Management

  • walkthrough of concerns log held and confirmed as okay for use fro case management if,
    • case types can be added
    • case types can be limited to a particular audience
    • entry of new case records, or manual entry of current cases
    • manual upload of historical cases against trainee record

UX / Ui


Transferred the 3 review lists into confluence, rewriting/renumbering to make clearer - linking screen caps and design PDFs


01  implementation that does not match design

02  designs created and not currently implemented

03 small tweaks to improve existing implementation

These now need to be written into dev stories


Trainee site / desktop view - Long form (responsive up)

More columns at 1200 and 1600  than current Admin site / desktop view (therefore more below 1200) So an increase of columns per break point excluding mobile phones portrait.

Tighter vertical grid (than current Admin site / desktop view)

New way of measuring/labelling vertical grid based all on baselines which will allow type size to be tweaked without breaking grid.

Smaller type sizes (than current Admin site / desktop view)

New graphic treatment so page works when sections are in read only mode as well as edit mode.

1600 max form size rather than full screen

Background / side border treatment as information stays at 1600 and centers when on a 1900 screen.


Recommend New Trainee site / desktop view - Long form style is carried across to Admin site / desktop view - Long form.

Intrepid Data QualityRussell Steel (Unlicensed)

TIS Core Services Alpha build

Admin UI

Refactored all forms across the app, Programmes, Posts, People and Placements to use a Bootstrap layout rather than the custom one we previously developed


Specialty / Specialty Group updates


  • Funding body added to Posts
  • Local office field 'narrow as you type' fixed


Alex - refactoring of ETL, microservice and UI


  • New service built and deployed on DEV.
  • First phase of Assessment ETL is completed - Sunil
  • UI update - Ola

Test coverage

Unit test coverage on Posts has been improved

E2E tests has been improved across all objects - Panos to summarise


  • PP: Fixed dropdown appearance
  • PP: Delete option has been removed from all "create" forms
  • PP: Orphan menu items are now hidden from users


Code quality, and code coverage

User Management

  • Create admin user has been fully automated behind the Keycloak user creation screen so no requirement for a developer to script users or roles/permissions into the Profile service anymore. (Update roles still to add so permission changes to existing user still need develper input)
  • Password Reset implemented and styled within Keycloak including emailing reset token to user, our first outbound system email

Trainee UI

  • PP: Navigation menu is now ordered to match the design. Forms has been split to Form-R-a,  Form-R-b
  • PP: Mocked view of Form-R-a is in place
Intrepid Mirror

Having to move to a new mirror because the collation on the existing boxes was causing problems for the london reports

Intrepid DR v2

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Russell Steel (Unlicensed)

Extracts against DR2 have been running for the past two weeks to test performance

Intrepid ETLs

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Chris Mills (Unlicensed) 

Paul Hoang (Unlicensed)

Russell Steel (Unlicensed)

As part of the move to the new mirror the ETLs are being rerun, hitting problems with jobs timing out during runs.

Oriel Integration 

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed)

ETL code is complete with unit tests and is now waiting Programme and Immigration data mapping from Data Managers in order that we fully automate the integration and don't need to implement the 'review and map' screen within Intrepid
ESR IntegrationESR team have agreed that we can enable the interface with just one week's notice. Former user (Deleted) has picked up the code for the ETL and service.
  • Blue/Green is now deployed on dev/stage/prod this will allow us to make smaller changes within normal hours. You can check which node you're on by checking the Headers section of the request and looking for X-Request-Node: BLUE/GREEN
  • UAT servers set up on production, needs to be redone because it is sharing the production vnet.
  • IE 11 compatability mode has now been forced off for all users, this is a meta tag added server side.
  • We have a postgres server terraformed under azure managed service that you can use.
  • Logs and ES have been seperated and all monitoring changes been made to match new hosts.
  • TIghtened up some issues security wise within the infrastructure and saved some money by shutting down unused sample resources.
TIS CutoverReuben Noot (Deactivated)Summary of the TIS Cutover discussion had with Business Managers
Resource Planning

Reuben Noot (Deactivated)

Andy Nash (Unlicensed)

Full Time recruitment

Welcome to Anupama Roy our new User Researcher who started last week. 

Interviews for Stakeholder and Engagement Manager - 28/11/17. Offer will be made on the 29/11/17 for start in January. 

Quality Testing Engineer (Rana Shivani) starting in December - date still to be confirmed).

Front End Developer (Satia Pattamatta) starting on 1 December.

UX/UI Designer (Matt Leech) starting in December - date still to be confirmed ?11th?

Agency update

Fayaz replacement (Frederic Randriamora) starting on 11 December.

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