Sprint 59 Review (2018-10-17)

Sprint 59 Review (2018-10-17)


(assume Team Availability Calendar is up to date, otherwise, everyone was available for 9 days)















Sprint Priorities

The following list was the prioritisation output from Sprint Planning - largely a stabilisation Sprint:

  1. Revalidation - code familiarisation, fixing bugs and preparing for upgrading the service
  2. Resolving NDW communication
  3. Preparing to develop an audit function
  4. Completing K8s service
  5. Complete User Management service


The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review


TIS Ref / Owner


Description of work

Link. e.g. to working software https://apps.tis.nhs.uk/
(note: use Dev for obfuscated data)
Loom video of completed work https://www.useloom.com/

Production Application releases / updates

Chris Mills (Unlicensed)

Simon Meredith (Unlicensed)

Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed)

Jayanta Saha

John Simmons (Deactivated)

Shivani Rana (Unlicensed)

(and anyone else involved)

Use of new release pipeline, no specific release numbers



  • Filtering on Funding Type error
  • Post funding UI not appearing for some posts
  • Cannot remove assessment outcome reason and save


  • Comments need to be surfaced in the NDW
  • Add "missing" vwAssessments fields to NDW ETL
  • Coordinate with Devops to include e2e tests run in release pipeline in staging
  • Trust access to tableau - extra table needed in TIS NDW ETL
  • POG Calculation for programme end date
  • Invalid date formats not to be allowed by the generic uploads for Assessment
  • Avoid all failing test in E2E test pack to avoid build failing

key summary type assignee status business value story points (effort) priority (bv*sp)

NHS HEE TIS UX/UI: Colour palette and accessibilityMatt Leech (Unlicensed)

New colour palette using NHS brand guidelines and ran through Accessibility testing site: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/

These tests are run on Text colour/background contrasts so have some flexibility on
CTA ‘s/Buttons.

NHS Brand colours: https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhsidentity/identity-guidelines/colours/


Technical debt & Non-functional requirements:

Admins UI security vulnerabilities in dependencies

E2E testing

Knowledge transfer:

  1. Confluence housekeeping - especially deleting documentation that is out of date. Ongoing
  2. Dev standards (Dev meeting / series of meetings). Ongoing
  3. Pairing / Mobbing
  4. Git-commit messages
  5. Walk-throughs (prep as you go - links?). 
  6. Architectural level diagrams
  1. Andy Nash (Unlicensed)

  2. All Dev team
  3. Paul Hoang (Unlicensed) leading
  4. All Dev team
  5. All Dev team
  6. All Dev team
OngoingMaking some progress - but long way still to go...

Resource Planning:

Andy Nash (Unlicensed)

Eniola Agbeti (Unlicensed)

TIS Team #2 recruitment ongoing.
2nd Interviews took place Friday and Monday for Scrum Master. One good candidate.