Sprint 36 Review (2017-11-15)

Sprint 36 Review (2017-11-15)

Sprint Priorities

The following list was the prioritisation output from Sprint Planning:


Emanuele - 1 day

Ola - 3 days

Tamer - 6 days

Product Management

ESR & Oriel mapping support

Next level definition on MVP and discuss with BMs on conf calls

Course Booking


Leave Management

Case Management / CPPS


Legal Notices - wrap up ready for dev

Reset password - ready up for dev

Reviewing Reference data changes needed to existing scaffold 

Reporting - opening discussion with SMLs


ESR - wrap up the integration and get testing setup

Oriel - complete to load data into TIS

Assessments - basic List and CRUD

ETL updates to DR V2

Placements data


Focus for the next few weeks;Focus for the next few weeks;

  1. Performance
    1. Run ETLs on separate hardware
    2. Separate the ES processes from the application servers
  2. Deployments: We need to get to the point where we can release during working hours
  3. Move MySQL databases to managed service


The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review




Production Application releases / updates:



Product Management

ESR & Oriel Mapping Support

  • Oriel to Intrepid mapping already complete by Data Managers, shared and uploaded to Swagger
  • ESR mapping completed


  • BM's agreed to 2 options
    • look into re-procurement of Intrepid CBMS module
    • TIS team to work closely with them to procure a new tool


  • BM's agreed to inputting minimal fields for MVP
  • Scenarios & field validation in Confluence updated to reflect newly defined MVP

Absence Management (incl Study Leave)

  • BM's requested that re-procurement for Intrepid is completed due to complexity of handling
  • option to manually input trainee entitlements and actuals (budget & time) was provided and will still be provided as part of MVP
  • Study leave MVP Scenarios - Absence Management - MVP Scenarios

Case Management

  • BM's agreed to using either sharepoint (they would manage), or concerns log as curretly implemented
  • using concerns log as implemented would require tweaks

Questionnaire (Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) Joanne Watson (Unlicensed))

  • Discussion with Kata Varnai took place outcome of which is Questionnaire is not going to be implemented as part of the Horus E-portfolio system.
  • NETS proposed as Online survey tool – West midlands/Bristol would be the pilot sites.

Admin UM - Password Management

  • stories created and refined in TIS backlog

Legal Notices

  • Ready for dev. Scenarios written up and dev task created. Some level of design and UX discussion may be required.


  • Discussion opened up with BM's. Proposed solutions overview run through. Outcome of which are:
    • Data analysts group – Process component should be defined by the business on how to drive the data output
    • Local Offices to be involved with Data analysts group to ensure their current reporting tools/standards still work when TIS go live
    • Local Offices to provide examples of reports currently used that could be created by Kais and/or JT to test the validity of the proposed plan.
  • High level overview of data warehouse presented by Kais - Data marts in the data warehouse will need to have data refreshed more often if not real time.


UX reviews of current build. Created 3 lists

01 List - current implementation that does not match design

02 List - designs created and not currently implemented

03 List - small tweaks to improve existing implementation (small design work needed)


Revised mega menu/ navigation based on review

Menu: With current low Navigation L2 item content the mega menu is not working creating a disconnection between parent and children navigation items and excessive mouse travel. We need to either 1/ move content to sit under relevant menu item NOT justified to the left in the existing mega menu band or 2/ make individual menu drop downs. Menu can always switch back to original mega menu when content grows.

Menu Indicators:
Add Page indicator to L2 items
Subtitles for MM Admin UI/Admin

Looking at not available L2 items

Trainee Menu:
Implement page highlight
New back button on L2 mobile menu


Intrepid Data QualityRussell Steel (Unlicensed)
TIS Core Services Alpha build


server side support for basic crud and listing largely done - still the DTO, ETL and UI to do


  • Form validation on all required fields now set to trigger on form load. This now applies to all forms currently in TCS with a 'Create'  method (.i.e Programme, Curricula).


Existing E2E tests on the Admin UI improved and issues they identify resolved, still more to work through

Intrepid Mirror
  • Upgraded the Mirror hardware which was limiting the ingest performance

Intrepid DR v2

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Russell Steel (Unlicensed)

  • waiting on Hicom to relase the following DRv2 fixes;
    vwCPPSPsychologicalReportOverview - currently only contains 1 column;
  • vwCCPSCaseClose. CaseCloseReason field should be displaying a text reason, but is instead showing a system GUID.
Intrepid ETLs

Chris Mills (Unlicensed) 

Paul Hoang (Unlicensed)

Russell Steel (Unlicensed)

  • Simplified the ingest code to make it more performant and easier to understand and optimise.
  • Fayaz Abdul (Unlicensed) moved the ETLs onto their own machine which allows us to debug seperately the 'out of memory' issue and provide a better space for running such large jobs.
  • ETL issue with Posts replicating on each run of the ETL resolved
  • ETLs refactored and optimised, have been re-run and Production is now repopulated with data having been empty for a few days, not yet scheduled so last run Monday 13/11

Oriel Integration 

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed)

  • Download Inbound xml file, parse it and upload parsed data to TIS
ESR Integration

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

Tamer Moustafa (Deactivated)

  • Sent Inbound file to ESR, they asked some questions that have been clarified and they have asked for a larger file to test against
  • Raised issue around the deanery mappings that ESR use.
  • Blue/green changes are ready in development, planning to release over the weekend.
    • (This will enable development to deploy code without massivly affecting the live system and roll back their changes if they see any issues on the seperate instance removing the blocker/possible implications of 'Friday Deploys')
  • Separate Elastic search server and ETL server 
    • (Removes any possible issues caused by having a hefty system such as elastic search on the same system as other services. Applications are now split off anything that could affect them increasing resiliancy)
  • Migration of Hosted Docker repositority onto Azure Container Registry.
    • (We now no longer need to be running another instance just for our hosted images. They're backed up automatically and managed by Azure, moving more of our infrastructure into Azure's management)
  • Added helper scripts to assist creation of docker-compose files from application.yml files.
    • (Speeds up DevOps development and improves onboarding of new Ops staff)
  • Added pipeline and files for Oriel ETL and ESR ETL
  • Created mock SFTP server for Oriel Testing
  • Refactored a number of playbooks for latest Ansible
Resource PlanningReuben Noot (Deactivated)

Full Time recruitment

Welcome to John Simmons (Deactivated) our new DevOps Engineer, started last week

Still waiting dates on SDIT, FE Dev and User Researcher - awaiting confirmation and start dates

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