

TIS: Alistair Pringle, James Harris, Sebastian Kwok
NE, NW and YH: Helan Raynor
South: Mike Richardson, Shijara Abidabeevi
EOE: Caroline Grisdale
LDN & KSS: Maxine Owen











Offboard TIS user accounts that should no longer be current.

Local Teams

This has been a focus of activity for some time. The current position is as follows:

• Virtually all redundant Trust TIS accounts, except in London, have been removed.
• In the South, all redundant Trust and HEE accounts have been removed.
• Elsewhere, the removal of all redundant HEE accounts is still in progress.

We have reached a position in which we need a refresh of data about current and redundant accounts, particularly for London. The original account reporting was provided over six months ago. The data fresh should include:

• Data on HEE TIS accounts including last login date.
• Data on Trust TIS accounts.
• Equivalent data on Trust Tableau accounts (to ensure that we do not remove accounts of people who have not logged on to TIS for over six months, but who have been accessing Tableau). This is available from Data Services.

The User Management Group can advise on exactly what data would be useful.

Please note that one problem that was encountered with the previous report was that Trusts sometimes had the wrong Local Office owner.

Another issue was that old London regions were still present in TIS. Maxine has been working on this with advice from the South.

TIS has migrated to AWS, but keycloak has not yet been replaced by cognito

ACTION: AP to ask Simon to rerun the last login report (to include last log in for TIS and tableau).


ACTION: SK to circulate last login reports once received.


ACTION: SK to circulate last login reports once received.

SB has checked trust user roles, next up to go through programme and HEE roles.

Still awaiting report. Chased up 16/02 - expected to receive it week commencing 22/02

ACTION: SK to circulate last login reports once received.

Still awaiting report - was emailed on 01/03 saying that they have chased IT again

ACTION: SK to circulate last login reports once received.



There is a requirement for a documented procedure to which local teams can refer in order to understand how to use the above-mentioned reporting on TIS account data.


There is no documented procedure at the moment.

The existing reporting data was collated into a single spreadsheet. This can be found at:
https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/TIS/Service Desk/User Management/User Management Master V4 Including Issue Log.xlsx?d=w85a59dad81c144649339e0b79fdaa31a&csf=1&web=1

08/01/2021 - Waiting for the above report from #1
22/01/2021 - As above.
05/02/2021 - As above.
19/02/2021 - As above.
05/03/2021 - As above.


Change current onboarding processes so that new HEE TIS users automatically have access to Tableau.


Discussed with Tom and Naresh at the 2nd October meeting.
Tom has gained agreement from IT that a local team can request Tableau access for HEE users directly from IT (as opposed to going via Data Services).

Requests for Trust Tableau accounts should still go via Data Services.

Question: what Service Desk IT queue should these requests go to? The requests should go to servicedesk@hee.nhs.uk.

08/01/2021 - London still working on trust access to tableau.
22/01/2021 - London hope to go live with trust access to tableau in April.
05/02/2021 - As above.
19/02/2021 - London have circulated proposed changes to the TIS Trust Tableau reports in the TIS Report Channel. Initial feedback was to run it by (more) trusts.
05/03/2021 - as above


Some of the approver entries on the HEE TIS onboarding form, require updating. Several of the approvers are out of date.

Local Teams

The current version of the form is at:

Local Teams should email Alistair/Seb/Adrian with details of the approvers who should be added/removed.

When required, Caroline Grisdale can seek the help of Ed in Midlands and East to assist with /advise on making the relevant changes.

CG’s suggested improvements to the onboarding form:

  • Web based and not a PDF

  • Add a Tableau PID data question so internal users  get TIS and Tableau PID data access if required at the same time, removing the need to complete a separate form.

  • Flow is added so the approval request can be automated

  • Approvers list to be reviewed. Should this be regional leads as it is for Tableau?

South have their own version on MS Forms with the assumption that new TIS users will require TIS PID access.

ACTION: MR to circulate south TIS onboarding form for others to review
ACTION: CG to email Coleen Anderson (national IT) regarding Anita’s new starter form

South form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspx?id=K5Gn_5ewMUGcD9DoB1Wyqyz5TinrZQJFm1ESFztHFPBUOUwwN0xUWUg4WllLODFTUzE0SlhYWVlDVi4u&sharetoken=lLdw4Zcuawhm2xzrqRNj
There are no notifications sent when someone completes the form - must go in manually to check.

New starter form is national so there can only be the one form with the list of approvers maintained by the local offices.

Next steps to add list of approvers and then publish the form.
Hope to imitate the Tableau Request Form.

Positive feedback for the South onboarding form, though issues raised with no notification being sent to form owner upon completion.
Possible solutions:
1) Include in form instructions to email their local service desk
2) Microsoft Flow - investigate whether it will work for our needs

MR happy to publish form, but its ownership and maintenance should be shared amongst the UM group members.

Mike circulated the National TIS UM form on 12/02. Decided not to present demo due to lack of attendees.



Sue reported that, if TIS users were set up incorrectly, they could end up seeing all data, whereas it was expected that they would see none. Ideally, we should remove this possibility.


This was discussed at the Data Leads meeting and Seb has raised a ticket to remedy the problem.

08/01/2021 - SK to remind AP about ticket.
22/01/2021 - SK to remind AP about ticket.
05/02/2021 - SK to remind AP about ticket.
19/02/2021 - SK to remind AP about ticket.
05/03/2021 - SK to remind AP about ticket.


TIS Self-Service onboarding process for trainees


Onboard trainees with a current or future programme membership (within 12 weeks of that date).

22/01/2021 - As above.
05/02/2021 - As above.
19/02/2021 - As above.


Study Leave Process


AP email on 18/02 - check whether the local offices are still using the agreed study leave template or if they have made their own tweaks/found a better method.


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