How to setup and run backend locally

How to setup and run backend locally

Below are the advisable steps to setup a local MAC OS machine to run the revalidation back end services. Steps could be different if you are using a different operating system.

  1. Request aws account from devops team and ensure you are provided with the following;

  • account id

  • user name

  • password

  • Access key ID

  • Secret access key

  • region name

  • login to aws command [should look something like aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx]

2. Prequisite things required to install

brew install maven brew install docker brew install docker-machine brew install docker-compose brew install awscli brew cask install adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 brew cask install java11

3. configure aws profile - aws configure using the info from step 1. [Related article https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html]

4. login to aws - [obtain this from devops as per step 1]

5. create default virtual machine - docker-machine create default --driver virtualbox

6. set default docker machine - eval $(docker-machine env default)

7. clone down https://github.com/Health-Education-England/REVALIDATION-COMBINE git repo

8. navigate to the REVALIDATION-COMBINE repo via terminal and then run docker-compose up. This command could take a few mins to run whilst the images are automatically pulled down and the backend service/s are up and running

9. Depending on which service you need to access from the host machine first you would need to get the corresponding ip address. e.g docker-machine inspect default | grep "IPAddress"

10. Populate local db by invoking this POST api [fill in acquired IPAddress] http://<IPAddress>:9000/gmcclient/api/v1/admin in postman with Basic Auth and with following info

username: admin password: admin

11. invoke the GET trainees api on the host machine [fill in acquired IPAddress]http://<IPAddress>:8080/revalidation/api/v1/doctors