Oriel - (2020 - 2022) Discovery
- 1 Background
- 2 HEE Systems Data Flows - Current and Future states
- 3 To_Be Process Flow - Ingesting Oriel Documents and Oriel Info by Oriel Applicant ID (TBD)
- 4 Changes required on Oriel (Submitted to Hicom)
- 5 Assumptions & Discussions
- 6 HEE National Website Platform - Oriel data set required
- 7 HEE National Reporting - Oriel data set required
- 8 Jira Tickets
The Oriel Workforce Extract is a file based (XML) export from Oriel of Trainee details, the programmes they've been accepted on along with documents submitted with their Oriel application. There is historical ETL that receives those files and documents from Oriel and stores them on Azure. (@John Simmons (Deactivated) / @Liban Hirey (Unlicensed) ) check if this is still running since our move to AWS). This extract includes Trainees that are new to TIS (e.g. Foundation trainees) and those applying for Core and Higher Specialties. The former result in creation of new trainee records on TIS whilst the latter result in additional Programme memberships and curriculum memberships being added onto their existing TIS record is they already exist on TIS.
Previously, the process on Intrepid has been been to input the curriculum and programme details via Intrepid at the point of importing them into Intrepid to create their records. The reason for this is because post and programme details are not captured on Oriel and therefore unable to do a direct mapping to the Intrepid system when transferring the Offer Accepted Oriel Applicants. However, it was found to be a cumbersome process leading to lots of innacuracies. Admins resorted to using the Intrepid bulk imports.
In TIS, a piece of work started to look at how to automatically ingest trainees into TIS when Intrepid was retired as a system. For MVP, it was initially proposed to have a semi-automated ingestion of some of the Oriel trainee details whilst HEE Admins perform a bulk upload of trainees to TIS. We went live in April/May 2018 with TIS availing a bulk upload solution as an MVP, but this did not include the semi-automated transfer of Oriel details from the Oriel Workforce Extract files as it was an industry and an established process that needed wider change planning and control at local and national levels. We are now reviving this piece of work in order to deliver a potential full automation of extracting and creating trainees records from Oriel to TIS. In order to achieve this there are potential changes to be done on both TIS and Oriel sides. Therefore approaching this work in a phased manner and iterating through feedback.
HEE Systems Data Flows - Current and Future states
To_Be Process Flow - Ingesting Oriel Documents and Oriel Info by Oriel Applicant ID (TBD)
To be able to link trainees on TIS by their Oriel applicant ID and extract documents
Solution Design discussion to determine the triggers to bring the data into TIS pending delivery of the Hicom Leave Manager ETL
e.g. by Bulk Uploads/Update
or automatic nightly documents extraction etc.
where will the documents be held and how they will be supplied by Hicom ETL
Changes required on Oriel (Submitted to Hicom)
@James Harris, @Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), @Ashley Ransoo, @Alana Martinez (Unlicensed)
No. | Change | Comments |
GMC approved Programme Name and Programme Number to be made mandatory for HEE and NIMDTA at the Post details level on Oriel when setting up vacancies. GMC approved Programme Names and Numbers will be a reference list supplied by HEE and NIMDTA. Programme names and number combinations are unique to each Local Office in HEE and NIMDTA, and would therefore need to be accommodated when setting up the preferences on Oriel vacancies. | Applicable to the following staff groups programmes within HEE and NIMDTA:
17/03: It was eventually agreed that the programme info could not be made mandatory on Oriel as it would affect other staff groups and nations. | |
‘Dual Training Programme’ field to be made mandatory in the vacancy setup with the option of 'N/A' for HEE and NIMDTA Preferences (Programme and Post level) and supply this in the Offer details and reporting area of Oriel. Note: For Foundation Programmes and Academic Foundation Programmes, the Programme name and Programme number to be made mandatory on the vacancy setup for HEE and NIMDTA Foundation schools programmes and posts and supply this in the Offer details of the applicant. | Applicable to the following staff groups programmes within HEE and NIMDTA:
| |
Programme name and Programme number to be supplied in the Offer details in addition to the below for HEE and NIMDTA posts and programmes in the Oriel reporting area and Oriel workforce extract. | Applicable to the following staff groups programmes within HEE and NIMDTA:
| |
Nationalities on Oriel to be aligned with TIS |
| |
Assumptions & Discussions
No. | Dicussions/Assumptions | Comments |
1 | Moving from current XML based files to the Leave Manager/Accent ETL extension of by Mid March 2021 |
2 | Additional views will be provided by Hicom on the ETL, pulled in the NDW nightly. |
3 | The assumption is the nightly refresh from Hicom will provide additional rows to the DR rather than only new Offer Accepted applicants on subsequent refresh. NDW will pull the full set of rows from Hicom DR into the NDW. | Discuss with JT. |
4 | The data will be kept beyond 13 months of trainees being appointed in their programmes in the NDW. |
5 | These could be used as a basis to then convert into the TIS bulk upload format |
6 | Upload and Maintain Oriel Applicant ID’s (Oriel PIN) on TIS https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-1179
7 | There would be some level of comparison and tracking of what applicants have/have not been uploaded in the NDW |
8 | Documents - the links/paths to the files will be provided in the views but not the actual files from Hicom - Further discussion on how to provide the files, might be an S3 bucket that TIS give access to Hicom. |
9 | Following recent discussions with Hicom, Programme name and number are not going to be mandatory fields on Oriel, therefore leaving scope for potentially unfilled programme info. |
10 | Current process of onboarding Oriel Trainees to TIS is an industry – It needs to be changed but needs careful planning. Phased approach (Time Frames dependent on Hicom development)
HEE National Website Platform - Oriel data set required
Working Group: Eleanor Bowen-Jones, Jon Bowlas, @Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), @Ashley Ransoo, @James Harris
List of vacancies by | Vacancy data | Data about each unit of application/individual training programme within each vacancy | Data about each post within each training programme |
Hicom Data Transaction Questions | NWP Responses | Comments |
What is the frequency of requests to the API? On demand, hourly, daily etc? | Hourly | Not all of the data fields above will refresh so regularly. Many will refresh daily, yearly or not for the foreseeable future. |
Are you expecting the full dataset to be returned in the API to only be the changes or the full data set each time? | Full data set | As per above, is the full data set in fact required hourly or can this be refined to a subset based on key points in the recruitment cycle when these fields can actually change in Oriel? |
How would you like us to handle records that are removed or archived? For example, if a vacancy is archived would you prefer we keep this in the extract but identify it in a certain way? | Still return but flag as archived |
The API we would look to create would be RESTful passing JSON data structures as needed, would this pose any issues? | RESTful JSON is fine |
The API itself would be secure via a client certificate we would provide to you and only accessible from designated IP addressed. Again, do you foresee any issues with this? | Authenticate via an auth token instead |
Some vacancies have multiple layers of preferencing. For example an applicant may first rank regions and then rank individual posts within that region as a separate activity. How do you see this working? Would we always extract the lowest level of preferences to you? | All levels of preferencing needed. Lowest level information would need its own ID and higher level IDs. In the example instance we would be likely to make two calls - one for the region and one for the individual posts. We can send an example of how we think the JSON could be structured. |
HEE National Reporting - Oriel data set required
List of vacancies by | Vacancy data | Data about each unit of application/individual training programme within each vacancy | Data about each post within each training programme | Applicants information (Anonymised) |
Jira Tickets
Related pages
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213