2021/2: Q4 | Review#4 (2022-02-16 to 2022-03-01)
| Please ask questions, that’s what this Review is primarily for - your constructive interrogation of what we’re doing:
Executive summary
1 LiveDefect this iteration: a small technical one that occurred in one of our overnight jobs - hat’s off to Pepe who resolved the issue in the small hours of the morning so it should not have compromised anyone’s use of any of the apps.
Reval app: A range of design options for handling filtering of content have been mocked up and presented to the Reval user group who have agreed that a fixed left hand side panel with multiple check boxes to enable filtering on more than one item per section, and more than one sections all in one go is the best way forward.
Self-service app for Trainees: has been referred to in several different ways, previously. For consistency it is now called “TIS Self-Service” everywhere. Please use this name for the app from now on. The third pilot (first tranche roll-out) is now well under way. Notifications now alert the user to various successes and failures as they use the app (e.g. a success notification appears when they click ‘submit’ and their Form R is saved/submitted successfully). Monitoring and Notifications now in place for SMS usage (as Trainees authenticate) and Form R submissions / issues with data loading, respectively.
TIS app: Remedial Programme / Rotations work carried out on behalf of HENW, and some duplicate Foundation trainee records.
Important work to note is a change to the delimiter used for multi-value fields in bulk uploads. We now require data to be separated by a semi-colon rather than a comma. This is because the comma is a valid character in some character strings, which consequently causes issues and workarounds with uploading in bulk.OKRs: Progress made, notably against the % of trainees successfully able to login to TIS Self-Service using self-sign up and the MFA. And also on the technical improvement work we are carrying out to update our app security around authentication.
Changes to the roadmap: No significant changes this iteration.
Live Issues:
Incident logs |
Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')
Area | Description | Team Representative | Demo - from Prod URL where feasible |
TIS Self-Service (TSS) | Name updated in application from “Trainee Self-Service” to “TIS Self-Service” | @Steven Howard |
3rd Pilot progress |
| |
Add monitoring for SMS usage limits | @Andy Dingley | Trainees are required to use additional security measures when logging in, one of the available methods is to receive a verification code by SMS messaging for each log in. We have a monthly usage limit for how many SMS messages we can send, but had no monitoring to tell us when we were getting close to the limit (after which, some trainees would no longer be able to log in to TSS). The TIS team will now get a notification when 90% of the limit is used. Once received, the TIS team can review the current usage patterns and raise the usage limit as required/suitable. | |
Notifications now inform the user when saving or submitting a Form R succeeds or fails. | @john o | Live demo | |
Revalidation | Review of design options for filtering data in summary page - conclusions | @Steven Howard |
Missing “Make Recommendation” Button | @Cai Willis | Doctor under review was showing up as “Draft” in Listing view but on going to the Details page admin was unable to make a recommendation/edit draft | |
Trainee Information System (TIS) | HENW programme memberships bulk update | @Reuben Roberts | David Short and Liam Lofthouse (Data Leads) requested an update to the Programme and Rotation for a number of programme memberships for Health Education North West. Since there is no user functionality in TIS to make these bulk changes, a one-off script was used to update these 9866 records. |
Remove duplicate trainees on TIS | @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly @Yafang Deng | David Kay requested to deleted some mistakenly uploaded Foundation trainee records. A one-off script was executed to remove those 86 records. | |
Change the delimiter from comma to semicolon when adding multi-value fields in a bulk upload | @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly @Yafang Deng | Disadvantages of using comma delimiter:
Analysed and found all the rest fields below which use comma and fixed them to using semicolon:
Now, please use semicolon for all multi-value fields in bulk uploads. | |
Reference tables management- remove redundant reference from the navigation | @Edward Barclay | The reference table in TIS contains 7 unnecessary references. these tables have been removed from the UI to make the reference table easier to manage and less cluttered before: after: | |
Electronic Staff Record (ESR) |
| |
Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) |
Objective Key Results (OKRs) 2021/22 Q4:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | |
OKR #1: Prepare and launch 3rd TSS pilotPreparing for the wider release of TSS in 3 tranches from April 2022 | ||||||
Key Result#1: 99% of trainees successfully able to login using self-sign up and the MFA. | too early | too early | 0.1 | 0.3 |
Key Result#2: 25% of trainees complete a survey. | too early | too early | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Key Result#3: Support materials enriched based on feedback. | too early | too early | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Key Result#4: 95% of admins agree that the process has been made more efficient by TSS. | too early | too early | 0.1 | 0.1 |
OKR #2: Keycloak to Cognito authentication migrationExtricating us from our reliance on an outdated application (Keycloak), several major versions behind what is supported | ||||||
Key Result#1: All TIS apps can accept authentication from Cognito. | too early | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.8 |
Key Result#2: Keycloak is no longer used for user authentication by any TIS apps. | too early | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.4 |
TIS team development (following external review)
Last Review I highlighted that we recently had an external review of how we work within the TIS team. From that review, a number of recommendations were put forward for how we can alter things going forward. The whole team is actively working towards implementing these recommendations. As we are a team that at its core believes in transparency and openness, we decided to give you a flavour of what we have been working on:
Up to end of Q4 | Iteration #3
We've created and published a Team charter. And we’ve completed initial work on adhering to the team Charter - a soft/supportive approach of using regular team health-checks against the Charter values: Empathy, Unity, Transparency and Collaboration.
We're reviewing all our meetings and events with a view to rationalising them in the near future
We're embarking on team training in User-Centred Design: Online, 15hrs over 5 days | On-site at one of our offices, 1 day. Some of the team attended the online GDS UCD training, others are booked to attend in Feb and Mar.
Progressed work on standardising Job Descriptions / Job Summaries. We’ve identified the need for two roles we don’t currently have in the team: User Researcher and Performance Analyst.
Debating sensible ways of splitting the team’s work up by Services and Products.
Started the review of Stakeholder mapping.
Had an end of Quarter Review and looked forward to Q4.
Agreed we need to reach out to gain more context for what we do in TIS, within the wider HEE and NHS. And we’ve started having these sessions (one from Jon Howes on PGMDE and another on Digital First). If anyone reading this would like to volunteer to do a session, please let us know!
Started the process of agreeing standard team events (TIS team meetings, stakeholder sessions etc), and central comms (Teams, Sharepoint, mailboxes, etc), so that communicating within the team is more efficient and communicating with us will be, too.
TIS interim roadmap:
We really do welcome any feedback you have for us - whether it be negative or positive, or whether it be a suggestion of something we could try/incorporate in a future Review. We absolutely don’t want to stand still. We’re very happy applying the 12th Agile principle of ‘becoming more productive’ to our Reviews themselves! Your contributions to this survey are entirely anonymous, should you wish to include anything others might perceive as controversial. We welcome any and all feedback, as long as it is constructive!
Post-Review survey: https://healtheducationyh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/tis-review-2021-2-q4-iteration4 |
Related content
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213