2021/2: Q3 | Review#5 (2021-11-23 to 2021-12-07)
- out loud on the call - really, we’d appreciate you doing this!; |
Live Issues:
Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')
Area | Description | Team Representative | Demo - from Prod URL where feasible |
Trainee Self-service (TSS) | Self sign-up (new components allow for password confirmation and toggling password visibility) | @Steven Howard | Live demo (stage environment due to the pilot still in progress) |
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Revalidation | RO details update in prod | @Jayanta Saha | Brief Discussion: Different Responsible Officers (or Deans) delegate different levels of responsibility to their teams in different Local offices/Designated Bodies. When a recommendation is submitted to the GMC, corresponding DB’s Responsible Officer’s surname, gmc id, designated body code are also submitted to GMC along with the doctor’s detail. The RO details are cross checked in the GMC’s database. If the details are correct only then recommendation is allowed to be submitted. |
Fix login issue for users who have long email address | @Doris.Wong | Brief Discussion | |
Trainee Information System (TIS) |
Extend filtering by ‘CURRENT’ to the ‘Other Specialities’ for extended options added by the user | @Edward Barclay | Before: After:
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Add validation to TIS Email field to make unique | @Yafang Deng | Trainees set up their account to access Trainee Self Service by the Email address, so we need to add validation on TIS (UI/Bulk Upload) to prevent duplicates happening. https://stage-apps.tis.nhs.uk/admin/people/person/47165/edit-personal-details
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Spike - Recording of Curriculum membership and Programme membership to be refactored | Curriculum membership/s is abstracted in the current TIS model, we need a refactor so that curriculum memberships can be distinctly identified from programme memberships. This causes problem in accurately reporting on a trainee's curriculum membership/s which is abstracted in the current model. The pain point to refactor is that the current data model is widely used in all of our applications. So during this iteration, we did the spike on how to carry out the refactor. We investigated how to normalise the current data model, found a robust solution to do the data migration and roll out the changes in a non disruptive way. And then we analysed the effects on all the downstream services. | ||
Placement sub-specialty exported to the NDW | @Reuben Roberts | Placement sub-specialty data is now exported to the NDW. This information is also available in Metabase, and can be included in queries and reports. | |
Electronic Staff Record (ESR) |
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Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) |
Objective Key Results (OKRs) 2021/22 Q3:
OKR | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th (Xmas) |
Objective: Complete the TSS 2nd pilot and release Reval MVP |
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Key Result#1: Negative TSS User feedback declines as a proportion of overall feedback | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Key Result#2: Number of users that have authenticated and submitted their Form R using TSS exceeds 90% of pilot Trainees | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0.9 |
Key Result#3: All Reval Admins switch to using Reval rather than GMC for Recommendations | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 |
TIS team development (following external review)
Last Review I highlighted that we recently had an external review of how we work within the TIS team. From that review, a number of recommendations were put forward for how we can alter things going forward. The whole team is actively working towards implementing these recommendations. As we are a team that at its core believes in transparency and openness, we decided to give you a flavour of what we have been working on:
Up to end of Iteration # 4
We've created and published a Team charter
We're about to hire a User Researcher, and are looking at the team needs in terms of other Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) professions
We're reviewing all our meetings and events with a view to rationalising them in the near future
We're embarking on team training in User-Centred Design: Online, 15hrs over 5 days | On-site at one of our offices, 1 day
Progressed work on standardising Job Descriptions / Job Summaries.
Some of the team attended the online GDS UCD training.
Looked into sensible ways of splitting the team’s work up by Services and Products, with Users as the driving force.
Started the review of Stakeholder mapping.
During Iteration #5
Ongoing work around how to split the team into multiple squads/small multi-disciplinary teams
Started reviewing the Performance Analyst capabilities in the team, with a view to formally ensuring we address them as a team, or we look to recruit to fill the every increasing need to measure success and identify improvement opportunities.
TIS interim roadmap:
We really do welcome any feedback you have for us - whether it be negative or positive, or whether it be a suggestion of something we could try/incorporate in a future Review. We absolutely don’t want to stand still. We’re very happy applying the 12th Agile principle of ‘becoming more productive’ to our Reviews themselves! Your contributions to this survey are entirely anonymous, should you wish to include anything others might perceive as controversial. We welcome any and all feedback, as long as it is constructive!
Post-Review survey: https://healtheducationyh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/tis-review-2021-2-q3-iteration5 |
Related content
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213