Admin UI - Navigation Content

Admin UI - Navigation Content

The mega nav needs to contain the following:

7.Admin– includes Role Creation, Permissions Management, Password Management, Reference Tables

Current Reference Table List is as follows:

The following should be part of the top navigation, but not part of the meganav:

9.Settings – includes user's own Password Management, Preferences etc.

Design specifications can be found here - TIS_ Megamenu specs

For Discussion

1Can the security model be applied at the 2nd level? i.e. exclude certain functionality from particular user types?Yes, in fact it is simpler to do so
Former user (Deleted) to discuss w/ Graham
2Will the team managing ref tables be central v local?Local Data Admin - they have access to components + data mgmt
3will the team managing users be central v local?Central - they have have access to everything includeing all components, user mgmt and data mgmt
4Could there be an overlap of the two roles? So that one or both teams would need access to both areasYes, see #3
5how many groupings should there be (roughly) for reference tables and what are they? (Go through known reference tables and group them up


(1) Diversity | Marital Status, Sexual Orientation, Ethnic Origin, Gender, Religious Belief, Title, Role (to be removed?)

(2) Professional Bodies | College, GDC Status, GMC Status, Designated Body Code (DBC)

(3) Visa | Settled, Immigration

(4) Training | Training Number, Training Number Type

(5) Grade | Grade

(6) Programme & Curricula | Curriculum, Specialty, Specialty Group, Curriculum Sub-Type, Leaving Destination, Programme Membership Type

(7) Locations | Site, Local Office, Trust

(8) Medical School | Medical School

(9) Country | Country

(10) Nationality | Nationality

(11) Placements | Funding Type, Placement Type,

(12) Assessments | Assessment Type

(13) General | Status, Inactive Reason