LTFT - East of England (EoE) processes
This page outlines the data that have been collected from East of England Local Office and validated at a workshop (6th of November 2023) to map their as-is business processes for Less Than Full Time Training.
Application timeline 2022 - 2024 for EoE
There are no Local application windows for East of England apart from the 16 weeks notice guidance that trainees are advised to give prior to commenting Less Than Full Time training. Where a change has been approved the employer must receive a minimum of 12 weeks notice in line with the Codes of Practice. Applications initiated with less than the stated notice are all considered although may take time to get approval. There have been no rejections in East of England on applications, they are all processed on a submission date basis typically within a 2 weeks window.
All Applications are via PDF form to be signed, completed and sent via email.
LTFT Reasons
All employees have a legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers. Therefore, all doctors in training can apply for LTFT training and section 3.123 of the Gold Guide provides a list of illustrative examples for requesting LTFT training. Previous Categories no longer exists but replaced with the following reasons:
Reason selection | Circumstance | Supporting documentation |
Disability or ill health | This may include ongoing medical procedures such as fertility treatment. | A letter from GP/ Occupational Health Consultant/ Medical Specialist which includes:
It must be on letter-header paper or be from an official email address which can be validated. The letter should be dated within the past 3 months. - TBC |
Caring responsibilities | Trainees (men and women) with caring responsibilities (e.g. for children, or for an ill/disabled partner, relative or other dependant) |
It must be on letter-header paper or be from an official email address which can be validated, dated within the last three months. - TBC |
Welfare and wellbeing | There may be reasons not directly related to disability or ill health where trainees may benefit from a reduced working pattern. This could have a beneficial effect on their health and wellbeing (e.g. reducing potential burnout). | How is the nature of request captured? |
Religious commitment | A trainee has a religious commitment that involves training for a particular role and requires a specific time commitment resulting in the need to work less than full time. | How is the nature of request captured? |
Flexibility for training / career development / opportunity e.g. development of a broad career portfolio | A trainee is offered a unique opportunity for their own personal/professional development, and this will affect their ability to train full time (e.g. training for national/international sporting events, or a short-term extraordinary responsibility such as membership of a national committee or continuing medical research as a bridge to progression in integrated academic training). Flexibility for training and career development with the option to train less than full time with flexibility that might enable development of a broad career portfolio. | How is the nature of request captured? |
Flexibility for non-training career development / opportunity e.g. non-medical activity requiring specific time commitment | A trainee is offered non-medical professional development (e.g. management courses, law courses or fine arts courses) that requires a specific time commitment resulting in the need to work less than full time. | How is the nature of request captured? |
Other | How is the nature of request captured? | How is the nature of request captured? |
As-Is end-to-end LTFT process for East of England
In trying to map the LTFT end-to-end process we came up with 4 main stages in the order in which they would occur namely:
Discuss and Receive confirmations and signatures of ES, TPD, Medical Staffing Manager (Specialties) or GP Practice Manager (GP): 18 to 16 weeks or earlier, where a trainee discusses and obtains signatures from all parties on their PDF form.
LTFT Application Submission Stage: At 16 to 14 weeks application submitted to EOE Local Office via email
3.1 Work Pattern, payroll changes and Start date agreement negotiation with Trust stage, following approval of their application, typically around 8 weeks prior to commencing LTFT
3.2 Appealing the decision stage, where their application was rejected, typically 8 weeks before commencing
Trainee commencing their training on LTFT basis
Approval processes for LTFT
Pain Points in the process
No. | Pain Point / Area to improve | Comment |
1 | There is usually a number of complaints received from Medical Staffing due to short notice received on applications and time to process those. |
2 | The current for is in Adobe PDF format and requires a few signatures to be provided electronically. Adobe compatibility makes it difficult to download and open/sign the form. The form would not load on all Adobe versions and not if opened on a browser. |
3 | There normally should be discussions as early as possible between Trusts, TPDs, Deans and Local Office in general on Post funding, although this is normally happening a bit late in the process therefore adding delay to approving applications. |
4 | Applications are approved for the whole duration of a training programme for EOE and does not require reapplication at every rotation, however, there are complaints received from Trusts about not receiving applications around August period when trainees rotates. |
5 | There is a manual process to support trainees in exceptional circumstances (e.g. where trainee has a disability) whereby a Word version of the form is sent to the trainees to be manually filled in, scanned and emailed back to Programme Team who then completes the PDF version on their behalf and sent for processing. |
6 | Supporting documentation are kept on shared folders and have sync issues sometimes rendering them inaccessible. |
7 | Programme team tends to receive a number of applications with missing mandatory elements including Signatures and have to be sent back, which delays the process. |
8 | There are very little to no validations on the form that impacts on the quality of the data received and adds delays to the processing. |
9 | It is quite often the case where trainees have not re-calculated their new CCT correctly or not aware that it will be impacted by LTFT and there fore submitting with their original CCT rather than an updated one. |
Application Numbers Apr 2022 to Oct 2023
Month | Number of LTFT received | Number of LTFT processed | Number of slot shares apps |
Apr-22 | 72 | 38 | 4 |
May-22 | 127 | 63 | 8 |
Jun-22 | 133 | 63 | 6 |
Jul-22 | 169 | 64 | 9 |
Aug-22 | 79 | 46 | 7 |
Sep-22 | 74 | 46 | 7 |
Oct-22 | 44 | 31 | 5 |
Nov-22 | 85 | 51 | 12 |
Dec-22 | 60 | 44 | 6 |
Jan-23 | 52 | 32 | 2 |
Feb-23 | 65 | 27 | 0 |
Mar-23 | 70 | 47 | 3 |
Apr-23 | 68 | 84 | 1 |
May-23 | 136 | 74 | 8 |
Jun-23 | 133 | 93 | 6 |
Jul-23 | 97 | 79 | 4 |
Aug-23 | 58 | 34 | 5 |
Sep-23 | 60 | 29 | 1 |
Oct-23 | 36 | 14 | 0 |
LTFT Email templates
These are the email templates managed by specialty teams and LTFT Admins that are sent to trainees in the relevant events - (TBC)
No | Email Template | Body / Content | Sent to |
1 | How do I apply for LTFT training? | Subject line: For information: How to apply for LTFT training Dear Dr XXXXXX Many thanks for your email. To apply for LTFT training the attached electronic LTFT form must be fully completed and the digital ID of your Educational Supervisor, TPD and Practice Manager obtained. You should then email the application and any supporting documentation required back to this mailbox: If you are applying for approval to work LTFT you must fully complete and submit Form 1. If you have received previous HEE approval (in writing) to work LTFT and are changing your WTE, the LTFT application you must fully complete the Change in Plan Form. Please note, you are not eligible to commence LTFT training until you have received written HEE approval of Form df1 (or Change in Plan if you are changing your WTE) The LTFT Website address is: here you will find further information and the relevant LTFT application form along with some helpful FAQs. If you have any questions please do get in touch and we will be happy to help. Best wishes, |
2 | Missing digital ID(s) on the submitted form | Subject line: For action: Incomplete LTFT <Form 1 eligibility and training plan/ Form 2 training plan renewal– digital ID required.> <Attach: Instructions for placing a Digital ID – PDF> Dear Dr XXXXXX Thank you for submitting your <Form 1 eligibility and training plan/ Form 2 training plan renewal.> I have reviewed your form and it seems that you are missing <your digital ID/the digital ID of your Educational Supervisor/TPD/Medical Staffing [select those that apply].> <*delete if the digital ID missing is from ES/TPD or MS*> Please could you add your digital ID to the form and then email the form back to us for approval. <*delete if the Digital ID missing is from the applicant*> Please could you send this form to your <Educational Supervisor/TPD/Medical Staffing [select those that apply]> and ask them to add their digital ID to the form. Once the form is fully completed, and all digital IDs have been obtained on the same form, please send back to us for processing. |
3 | How do I set up a digital ID? | Subject line: For action: Digital ID set up instructions <Attach: Instructions for placing a Digital ID – PDF> Dear XXXXX Thank you for your email. Please refer to the attached step by step guide on how to set up and place a digital ID. If after working through this you or any other required approver’s experience a problem with setting up or placing a digital ID please feel free to give us a call and a member of the team will be happy to talk you through the set up process. Please find my telephone number below. Best wishes, |
4 | When to submit a stage training plan renewal form? | Subject line: For information: LTFT Form 2 training plan renewal Dear Dr XXXXXX Thank you for your enquiry. As per the guidance on our website, if you wish to continue training LTFT when you rotate to a new Trust or Practice, or if you would like to change the percentage of LTFT you are working at then you must submit a LTFT Renewal Training Plan for approval. A training plan renewal (Form 2) must be submitted for HEE approval should any of the following changes occur: · If you rotate to a new placement Trust or Practice · If you increase or decrease your percentage of LTFT training · If you change your slot arrangements, i.e. slot sharing/LTFT in a full time slot. You can find the Renewal Training Plan (Form 2) on our LTFT page of the website here: along with the process for applying for LTFT and some really helpful FAQs. Once you have the form filled out and all the required digital IDs obtained, please submit the form for HEE approval by sending it to this mailbox. Please be aware that you may not be able to be accommodated immediately, formal arrangements will need to be agreed with your Training Programme Director and Medical Staffing/Practice Manager at the Trust or Practice in which you will be placed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Many thanks, |
5 | Slot Share partner form chase email | Subject: URGENT: Action required – Less than full time training arrangements Dear XXXX We note you are planning to work less than full time (LTFT) and will be placed in a slot share with another LTFT trainee. It appears we are yet to receive your fully completed <Form 1 eligibility and training plan/Form 2 training plan renewal> application form and are unable to process this slot share arrangement as a whole until we are in receipt of this. If you have not already begun completion of the mandatory application forms, please download the relevant form(s) from the LTFT pages of our website here: Please complete the application(s), obtain the required authorisers digital IDs, and submit to HEE for approval as a matter of urgency. Please note, you are not eligible to commence LTFT training until you have received written HEE approval of your Form 1 eligibility and training plan application (or form 2 training plan renewal if you are renewing). If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are happy to help. Best wishes |
6 | Tier 2 Visa | Subject: For Information: LTFT application from a trainee on a Tier 2 Visa Good morning/afternoon We just wanted to make you aware that Dr XXXXXX, GMC XXXXXXX has submitted an LTFT application at XX%. Although they have been reminded that they must be in receipt of an appropriate salary we just wanted to ensure that you were aware of this application. The doctors email address is: XXXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXX If you feel there is going to be any problems arising from their LTFT application in relation to their Tier 2 Visa, please get in touch directly with the trainee. |
7 | Application from trainee outside of the EOE | Reply to the original email Dear XXXXXX, Thank you for your email, however it looks as though you do not hold an East of England NTN number and unfortunately, you have filled in and sent through your Less Than Full Time (LTFT) application to Health Education England (HEE), East of England (EoE). If you wish to apply for LTFT you will need to apply through your local office process. Your TPD should be able to advise you further. Many thanks and the best of luck in your training. |
8 | Approval - New Application | LTFT Form 1: Eligibility and Training Plan outcome Dear Dr Re: Form 1–Eligibility & Training Plan for Less than Full Time Training I am writing to inform you that your Form 1 application has been reviewed and approved. Please find your approved form attached. When am I required to submit a Change in Plan form? You are required to submit a Change in Plan form (click here) three months in advance of any change (either increase or decrease) in the percentage you are working at. The Change in plan form is located on the same form as the new LTFT application form but under a different dropdown on page 2. Please be aware that you may not be able to be accommodated immediately, formal arrangements will need to be agreed with your Training Programme Director. E-Learning Link for key information: Please find below a link to the LTFT E-Learning package which provides helpful information regarding the programme aims:
I wish you well in your further training. |
9 | Approval - Change in Plan / Extension | LTFT Change in Plan form outcome Dear Dr Re: Change in Plan form I am writing to inform you that your Form 2 form has been reviewed and approved. Please find your approved form attached. When am I required to submit another Change in Plan form? You are required to submit a Change in Plan form (click here ) two months in advance if you would like to increase or decrease the percentage you are working at. Please be aware that you may not be able to be accommodated immediately, formal arrangements will need to be agreed with your Training Programme Director and medical staffing at the Trust in which you will be placed. E-Learning Link for key information: Please find below a link to the LTFT E-Learning package which provides helpful information regarding the programme aims: · To equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively supervise a LTFT trainee · Raise awareness of the supervisor’s responsibilities. · Further useful guidance. I wish you well in your further training. CC the following contacts, according to the trainee’s programme: |
10 | Trainee reverting to Full time | For information/action - Trainee reverting to full time from <DATE>. Dear all, Please be advised that Dr <x>, <trainee training programme name and grade>, will be reverting to full time training from date. We have been advised that this has been discussed with the TPD, Educational Supervisor and Trust and this can be accommodated. We confirm HEE is happy to support this. Please can any records be amended to reflect this change. |
11 | Trainee extending current LTFT arrangement | Insert in Subject line on email: For information/action - Trainee LTFT placement extension Good <afternoon/morning> Please be aware that <Dr Name> would like to extend their LTFT training until<Date>. They will be remaining at <%> in a <slot share/full time/supernumerary> post in <>. This is the same arrangements as their current training plan. I have been advised that this has been arranged with <Dr Name>‘s> TPD, Educational Supervisor and Medical Staffing. Please can any records be amended to reflect this extension. Many thanks |
12 | Higher Emergency Medicine LTFT Pilot application outcome | To: Trainee CC: Nam Tong, Francesca Crawley, TPD, Medical Staffing Subject: LTFT Form 3: Higher Emergency Medicine LTFT Pilot application outcome Attached: trainees approved electronic form Dear Dr XXXXXX Re: Form 3 – Higher Emergency Medicine LTFT Pilot I am writing to inform you that your Form 3 application has been reviewed and approved. Please find your approved form attached. What happens next? The Higher Emergency Medicine LTFT pilot is for a 12 month period starting from August 2020 – August 2021. Any LTFT training arrangements agreed as part of this pilot will cease on August 2021. Guidance around the pilot project can be found on the LTFT pages of the Health Education England (HEE) east of England (EoE) website: If you wish to increase/decrease your percentage of training during the pilot (including returning to full-time training) you may do so when there is capacity and agreement with the Training Programme Director (TPD). You must also discuss your plans to increase/decrease the percentage of training with your Trust and Educational Supervisor (ES). Once your TPD has confirmed agreement and your Trust and ES are aware, please email the LTFT generic inbox ( informing of any changes made to your training plan. We will then send an email confirming the agreed changes to all those involved in the process. Locum shifts – For further information, click here · Additional locum work by trainees approved by the pilot should be periodic and not frequent. This should normally be up to a maximum of 8 hours, or one shift per month. · Participants within this pilot may undertake periodic locum shifts with their employing/host organisation in the first instance. Should the employing/host organisation not require the services of the junior doctor on a locum basis, the junior doctor may undertake occasional locum shifts elsewhere. · Locum shifts may only be undertaken with the approval of Educational Supervisors in advance and all locum shifts should be declared to the Educational Supervisor in real time. Evaluation of the Higher EM LTFT Pilot As a participant of this pilot, you may be asked to partake in a survey or be asked to provide feedback on the pilot. Further information around this will be communicated in due course. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. My telephone number is below and you can get in touch via email using the email address. I wish you well in your further training. |
13 | Rejection (insufficient evidence) |
14 | Rejection – application not made within window |
15 | Rejection- include appeal procedure |
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