

Next Steps

  • review archiving paper

For Discussion


  • Are there rules currently that we’re aware of?

  • Who can we speak to now to get a view of what should be put in place, even for data still in Intrepid? 

  • Are we okay to retire data that falls within applicable date ranges? 

  • Should we adopt the approach to use manual v automated archiving processes to allow flexibility? Or one or the other?

  • Managing team central or local?

  • Data deletion?

Should we have a distinction of what archiving means in terms of the following data:

a) Legacy data that are on intrepid, available on the mirror but may not be used or not yet recognised of any benefit and therefore not TIS yet?

b) Data that are on TIS, and therefore an archiving or retention period rationale? E.g. how long after a trainee has completed their programme is their data to be kept? 

How does this fit with the data warehousing / mining project?