Case Management - CPPS User | Concerns Log Feedback

Case Management - CPPS User | Concerns Log Feedback


  • the name should be consistent with cases as is known now
  • reporting is highly important

Cut Over from Intrepid - Considerations

CPPS data will be part of the DR2 v2 data consolidation, so any cases currently sitting within the database will be available in the newly re-purposed Concerns Log

Russell Steel (Unlicensed) - do we have an up to date view on what's available re CPPS data?

Concerns Log Screenshots

Suggested Scope of Change for Concerns Log is as follows:

  1. field labels & reference data - see field validation
  2. integrated reporting - see Reporting
  3. date of incident (non-mandatory) and date case raised (additional field)
  4. Add types - reference data tbc
  5. Source >> free text field
  6. employer at the time >> should be trust
    1. Trusts
    2. Non-hospital practices/sites
    3. Practices (NB: is this just another term for sites? Yes) Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
  7. Site >> remain as is
  8. Grade at the time >> remain as is
  9. Any other information required here? (see form templates) Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) - please can you chase up sending the consolidated forms?
  10. detailed information >> no limit on free text 
  11. contact person >> should be case manager name & email address
  12. submission of
    1. a request (front end) i.e needs to be accessible without login
    2. no validation required to confirm they are affiliated with the trainee in a meaningful way for HEE
    3. case related further information
  13. Statuses of a case

    • submitted, accepted, returned, under review, closed
    • can the statuses trigger comms or suggest manual comms?
  14. Notifications sent where
    1. a new submission is received (HEE Cases Admin only)
    2. an update to a case is made (referrer)

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