Case Management - Scenarios

Case Management - Scenarios

  1. Referral - submit a case request
  2. Search Referrals/Cases
  3. View/Edit Referrals/Cases
  4. Track progress of cases

Process NameCM-1 Submit a Case/Referral RequestComments
DescriptionBoth internal and external (to HEE) users can send a referral, or case request to the Case Management Team for consideration
ActorsEducational Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor, HEE Admin, TPD, Trainee, Other

Access front end facing site

Accept t&c's

Form should be available on non-authenticated site and authenticated admin/trainee sites

Admins can view all or search cases in a summary screen

Cases flagged against trainee record in Admin site

Notification sent to Case manager

(IO) no flag in trainee UI at this stage, they do not need to know
Process Steps
  1. Select contact to send case referral
  2. Complete referral form
  3. System auto-saves details as they progress*
  4. User selects to submit a referral
  5. System presents confirmation requesting user confirm they will
    1. accept terms & conditions
    2. send referral
  6. New Referral/Case request added to summary list page in Admin site

Alternative ProcessN/A
  • Rule: Only specified fields can be entered
  • Error: where mandatory fields not completed


Audit LogWho submitted the case (email address) and when
Present audit log to all with view permissions within case management view

Process Name
CM-2 Search Referrals/Cases
DescriptionHEE Admins and case managers can search for a case from the list page and click through to view in more detail
ActorsHEE Admins, TPD, Educational Supervisor
Pre-ConditionsLogged in Authorised User
User navigated to Case Management list view


View all or searched cases in a list screen

Process Steps
  1. View table with column headers defined
  2. Search or click into a single row to view detail on a particular Trainee's case/referral
  3. System presents detailed case or referral view

<<Field validation to define column headers to present in the list screen>>

Search terms TBD

All columns filterable

Alternative Process

RulesRule: System presents a read-only view of the submitted referral form
JIRA Links

Audit LogWho viewed the case and when
Present audit log to all with view permissions

Process Name
CM-3 View/Edit Referrals/Cases
DescriptionHEE Admins and case managers can view and edit the detail within a case; this includes any relevant notifications to the trainee and referrer
ActorsHEE Admins, TPD, Educational Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor, Case Manager
Pre-ConditionsLogged in Authorised User
User navigated to desired Case Record

Post-ConditionsView all or searched cases in a list screen
Process Steps
  1. Edit detail in field
    1. Add action plan/s to case
    2. Record required outcomes
    3. Add document/s to case
    4. Change status of the referral to accepted/returned
    5. If accepted, add case manager and notes
  2. Save
  3. Close
  4. System sends notification to case manager and HEE admin / remind user to send email to user


  • submitted
  • returned
  • accepted
  • under review
  • closed

(Where referrals are accepted they become cases which are then ready to be triaged.)


  • Case manager name
  • What support is relevant i.e. OH, Exam Support, LTFT/OOP/Supernumerary, Occupational health etc.
  • Returned to be managed at school level
Alternative ProcessN/A
  • Rule: Only specified fields can be entered
  • Error: where mandatory fields not completed
  • Notification to case managers

JIRA Links

Audit LogWho edited the case and when
Present audit log to all with view permissions

Process Name
CM4 - Track/Monitor case progress (Trainee) OUT OF SCOPE
DescriptionTrainees can view their cases and track their progress and outcomes

HEE Admins, Case managers

Trainee UI - tbc if in scope for MVP


Logged in Authorised User

User navigated to Person Record


Trainee UI - Trainee sees outcome/status of their cases -  tbc if in scope for MVP

Process Steps
  1. Trainee goes to cases
  2. View all cases and their status and outcomes in a user-friendly way.

Alternative Process


JIRA Links

Audit Log

Process Name

CM5 - Track/Monitor case progress (Admin)

DescriptionHEE Admins and case managers can search for a case from the list page and track progress
ActorsHEE Admins, Case managers

Logged in Authorised User

User navigated to Person Record

Post-ConditionsView all or searched cases in a list screen filterable by status/outcome
Process Steps
  • View table with column headers defined
  • Filter cases by Status/Outcomes
  • Search or click into a single row to view detail on a particular Trainee
  • System presents detailed case view
  • Close

Alternative ProcessN/A

JIRA Links

Audit Log