GMC statuses v TIS statuses for doctors 'Under Notice'- Recommendations

GMC statuses v TIS statuses for doctors 'Under Notice'- Recommendations

The following states reflect the GMC-defined states; 

  • The GMC states can be used to filter / sort the trainees on the summary page and are automatically applied dependent on whether an episode has been added for a trainee who is under notice, or an episode has been submitted 

  • The progress states/ TIS/GMC Status can be used to trigger actions for other Admins and are automatically applied - they will only be shown in the detail page


GMC Status (In summary page)/ “Outcome” (in doctor’s history- latest)

TIS status “Status”

‘Recommendation' (in doctor’s history)



Under notice (this is applied when GMC submission due date is applied)

  • Empty

  • Not started


  • Draft

If TIS Status is Draft;

  • Defer


  • Revalidate


  • Non-engagement

  • Auto-applied when GMC submission due date is added- @Adewale Adekoya to confirm date when doctor comes under notice. Doctors comes “Under Notice” 12 months prior to their submission date (it was initially from 4 months). 

  • Auto-applied when Admin saves recommendation in draft

  • For TIS status ‘Not Started’, user should have ability to create recommendation only

  • For TIS Status ‘Draft’, user should have ability to edit recommendation only.


There is still an issue with the app behaviour around this. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-5376

  • Under review

  • Submitted to GMC

  • Defer


  • Revalidate


  • Non-engagement

  • Auto-applied when Admin create recommendation and submits to GMC

  • If recommendation has been created but episode has not yet been submitted, then it remains as “Draft”

  • Episode becomes ineditable if submitted to GMC

  • User will not have ability to edit or create recommendation except if not submitted to GMC and episode will be saved as draft automatically.

  • Doctor’s recommendation stays ‘Under Notice’ until GMC Status changes to ‘Approved’.

This has been implemented fully

If submission fail to deliver to GMC

  • Empty

  • Draft

  • Defer


  • Revalidate


  • Non-engagement

  • Applied when GMC submission fails to be delivered

  • Pop up a warning that the submission failed

  • Rules for ‘Draft’ TIS Status and empty GMC status applies

This has been implemented fully

  • Approved


  • Rejected

  • Complete

  • Defer


  • Revalidate


  • Non-engagement


  • If ‘Approved’,

    • Doctor is moved from ‘Under Notice’ to All doctors

    • Doctors in ‘All doctors’ but not ‘Under Notice’, user should not have ability to create or edit recommendation. In this case, the doctor don’t move away immediately, we have to ask GMC if it’s approved or rejected which we do 3 times a day. It then move after the overnight sync.

    • If last outcome is ‘Approved’, and moved back to ‘Under Notice’,

      • user should have ability to create recommendation AND doctor’s details should show history of Recommendations

      • The GMC Status should be empty and TIS status should be ‘Not Started’

  • If rejected,

    • Doctor moves out of ‘Under Notice’

    • Doctor immediately move back to ‘Under Notice’ (because this is the behaviour in GMC connect)

      • GMC Status: empty

      • TIS Status: Not started

For Approved: This has been implemented fully

For Rejected: This has been implemented fully


@Rob Pink We need to remind users around the timing i.e. the Overnight sync jobs must happen for this to reflect on Reval App.




  1. Are stakeholders happy with the wording?

  2. Which value should be displayed on front end? Recommend the TIS status


Our findings/Confusions (7 March 2023, Yafang, Steve and Jay) @Yafang Deng @Steven Howard @Jayanta Saha @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly @Rob Pink @catherine.odukale (Unlicensed)

  1. If a doctor is deferred and it is “approved” by GMC and the doctor will stay in Under notice tab with a new GMC due date: BA mind: Any approved doctor (either defer/revalidate) by GMC; the doctor is expected to move away from the under notice tab to ‘All doctors' tab by GMC. It now depends on when GMC move the doctor back to 'Under Notice’ with a new submission due date.

    1. If GMC status is “approved” for the deferral revalidation, in the Recommendation summary page the doctor’s GMC status should be “empty”? BA mind: If in ‘all doctors’ tab, Yes but if still ‘under Notice’ the GMC status should still have the ‘approved’

    2. If GMC status is “rejected” for the deferral revalidation, in the Recommendation summary page the doctor’s GMC status should be what? BA mind: If in ‘all doctors’ tab, Empty but if still ‘under Notice’ the GMC status should still have the ‘Rejected’.

  2. If a doctor is “revalidate” (non deferral recommendation type) and it is “approved” by GMC, during the nightly sync job (UnderNotice= value “Yes”, “No”, “On Hold”) will the doctor be moved away from “Under Notice” tab? BA mind: I want to think so and I don’t think our system wait for the night sync, the status refresh is updated at some hours intervals, I want to think moving doctors away from under notice depend on GMC not our system. Our system only get the update from GMC.

  3. By the checkRecommendationStatus api we are enquiring GMC for recommendation status several times a day and if the GMC provides us the Status “Approved” or “Rejected” and the doctor will stay under notice until the nightly sync job runs; BA mind: I want to think moving doctors away from under notice depend on GMC not our system. Our system only get the update from GMC

  4. References to past ticket: 1. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2545 2. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2120 3.https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2075 5.https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2086 6. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-987

@Rob Pink You might want to verify my answers with Users

@Adewale Adekoya @Rob Pink For your kind perusal.


Determining GMC & TIS Status

a.k.a. Pepe plays an analyst & SME


  • GMC Status: This describes what state/stage a Recommendation authored in Revalidation is in it’s lifecycle.
    It is determined by whether it has or hasn’t been submitted
    As of May 14, 2024, a Recommendation follows a directed flow of ???//TODO: Detangle which RecommendationStatus fields are used as part of Recommendation and which are the TIS Status??? … this is likely to be something like:

DRAFTSubmitted → { Approved OR Rejected }

  • TIS Status: This describes what stage a Doctor is at in the Revalidation cycle.
    It is determined by a combination of whether the GMC define them as “Under Notice” and the status of a Recommendation for the current “Under Notice” period *There are bound to be edge cases in here and a need to refine this.
    As of May 14, 2024, a doctor will typically progress through the following ???//TODO: Detangle which RecommendationStatus fields are used as part of Recommendation and which are the TIS Status???

  • Latest Recommendation: The recommendation which was began being written in Reval when. N.B. There should only ever be 0 or 1 “Draft” recommendations but some legacy “Drafts” exist and new ones may become legacy where the Under Notice information changes after a Recommendation is written but before it is submitted.

Doctor Under Notice (from the GMC)

Doctor Submission Due Date (from the GMC)

Recommendations recorded for the Doctor



Then we set

GMC Status

TIS Status

Doctor Under Notice (from the GMC)

Doctor Submission Due Date (from the GMC)

Recommendations recorded for the Doctor



Then we set

GMC Status

TIS Status


Today + 11 months

  1. “Past”:

    1. Outcome: Under Review

    2. Started: Yesterday

    3. Submitted: Yesterday

    4. Doctor Due Date when started: Yesterday






Not Started


Today + 11 months

  1. “Past”:

    1. Started: Yesterday

    2. Submitted: Null

    3. Doctor Due Date when started: Yesterday

  2. “Current”:

    1. Started: Yesterday

    2. Submitted: Null

    3. Doctor Due Date when started: Today + 11 months








  1. “Current”:

    1. Outcome: Rejected

    1. Started: Today

    2. Submitted: Today

    3. Doctor Due Date when started: Yesterday














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