Revalidation - Concerns - Detail (Edit/Save)
The screen below will be the creation / editable detail screen for Concerns, accessed via the Concerns detail screen. It displays either a blank or editable view of an existing Trainee’s concern in relation to revalidation only.
FYI - Look and feel
Document upload only
Label | Type | Rules (header / content) | |
1 | Date of incident | Entry field Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view | Date-picker
Mandatory Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
2 | Concern type | Entry field | Drop-down [see “incidentTypeCode” reference list from TCS] Mandatory Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
3 | Source | Entry field | Drop-down Options
Mandatory Field data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
4 | Date reported | Entry field | Date picker
Mandatory List restricted to
Field data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
5 | Employer | Entry field | Drop-down, dependent on “Source” Mandatory if source = LET Restricted to any employer the trainee has been associated with (PLACEMENT:EMPLOYERS list) If source does not = LET, then disable field entry Field data: drop down / type-ahead entered by Admin
6 | Site | Entry field | Drop-down Mandatory if source = LET Restricted to sites related to trainee in Placements and Posts Column data: drop down / type-ahead entered by Admin
7 | Grade | Entry field | Drop-down List restricted to
Column data: drop down / type-ahead entered by Admin
8 | Status | Entry field | Drop-down (manual selection on create/edit journeys) Restricted options
Auto apply “closed” status where “Follow-up date” is in the past (edit) Mandatory Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
9 | Admin | Entry field | Type-ahead / drop down List restricted to
Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
10 | Follow-up date | Entry field | Date picker Must be >TODAY Mandatory Column data: Entered by the Reval Admin on create/edit view
11 | <expander> | Button | Read-only Admin select top open the record details
12 | Last updated date | Auto-populated field | Read only Column data displays the date the record was last updated in standard TIS format
13 | Comments | Freetext box | Freetext comments, unlimited capacity per box Multiple entries Stored against a particular concerns record Editable once initially entered and can be added / removed
14 | Add documents | Label | read only |
15 | Document title | Label | If in view mode: Link that opens out to downloadable/viewable version of uploaded document PDF opens in new browser tab Others can be downloaded locally Should be able to remove document
16 | Upload document | Link | Link that allows user to upload document from their device / sharepoint Click through to document upload screen
17 | Save | Button | Click to save or automatically store record and updates on close Triggers update to “last updated date”
18 | Cancel | Button | Click to cancel and clear changes made to new / existing record
19 | Add tag (not yet displayed in prototype) | Button | Click to add tagging Field entry
20 | Search (document) | Search box | Enables user to search for documents from those uploaded
21 | Filter tags NEW story required | Search box | Enables user to filter on tags for document Free-text filter
22 | N/A - not used in error |
23 | Remove document | Button | Enables user to delete document Presents warning that document will be permanently deleted - user can then close / cancel action
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