Meetings: Document Management

Meetings: Document Management

This page is to capture meetings on Document Management




  • Alistair Pringle

  • Sebastian Kwok

  • Ashley Ransoo

  • James Harris

  • Ade Adekoya

  • Jill Cudd

  • Andrew Crozier

  • Tom De Salis

  • Gwilyn Williams

  • Lauren Squires

  • Rekha Patel

  • Mandy Birdee

  • Dylan Giles

  • Ade Olaiya

  • Stuart Morris

Trainees from August are to have all their documents uploaded onto TIS.
Discussion points:

  1. Is document management currently acceptable?

  2. A SOP for document management (what does/does not need to be uploaded onto a trainee’s file)

Current Tags

  • Assessments (ARCPs)

  • General (emails?)

  • Recruitment (oriel)

  • Programme (LTFT, OOP, IDT)

Possibly add “Correspondence” tag, but group is content to continue using the current ones
James notes that there must be a proper naming convention for the tags to be effective.

Initial Feedback

  • file types - supports .doc but not .docx

  • needs ability to add emails (for appeals pack)

  • make tags a required field if they are mandatory

  • tags as dropdown as opposed to autotype

  • drag and drop is a great function


  • concerned about security - only certain admins should have access to certain documents due to their sensitive nature


  • concerned about storage capacity of TIS if all trainees are to have their documents uploaded - Devs to ensure this does not happen

What documents should go on TIS?

  • CCT calculator (PDF). JRCPTB has cct calculator

  • ARCP forms

  • ARCP notes Proforma

  • Form R

  • OOP Forms

  • LTFT Forms

  • IDT documents

  • POG request form

  • Appeals Form - Need to consider to remove document if appeal is successful

  • Appropriate general emails correspondence

  • Documents from Oriel - All forms

  • Trainee Agreements

Documents that should not go on TIS

  • CPPS (Career, Performance and Professional Support) - Case Management - North West save theirs elsewhere as TIS is not secure enough. We might consider the Admin Sensitive Role in this case?

  • North West also save study leave documents separately

  • Inappropriate emails should not be added - Alistair to go to LO to discuss what is appropriate

File Naming Conventions

  • James to look for the doc on the file naming or we might have to redo. 

  • WM have got a naming convention - gmc (GDC and PH too)/date/name

Transferring Files onto TIS
Two possible methods:

  1. Automated data transfer - though the files would likely need to be renamed later

  2. Download documents from Oriel, then manually upload

Concerns that if the SOP entails large scale renaming of files, the naming convention would not be followed properly.

Other Considerations

  • Educators views needs to be considered - Data leads managers to get their views

  • Save documents as pdf? Better for security and prevents tampering

  • Come up with strategy to transfer document with focus on new trainees

Jill Cudd (North West)
Comments from my team:

  1. Can the functionality be improved so that we can preview documents rather than having to download individual documents to view them.

  2. Can the functionality be improved so that we able to drag and drop documents into TIS eg from emails, rather than having to save individual documents and then upload them to TIS

  3. Can documents such as the CCT calculator be saved in an editable format as otherwise it is time consuming to delete and upload a new document each time the calculator changes

  4. Will training be available

Andrew Crozier (Humber)
I’ve sought feedback from our teams in the North East and Yorkshire on Humber. Broadly speaking the discussions I’ve had have been positive about moving over as long as long as we’re able to do this sensibly, with well thought out SOPs, and an awareness of the admin overhead involved, at least in the initial move. We’re already storing files on SharePoint, so the move to TIS isn’t as drastic as it might be elsewhere. Below is some of the more specific feedback I’ve had – some of this was covered in the meeting but I suppose it’s worth noting what seems important to users.

  • Functionality - Concern that TIS could slow down as a result of the extra load. I know Alistair addressed this in the meeting but might be worth stressing that there is some anxiety over this.

  • Scope - Must be able to save all correspondence with trainees for the purpose of having everything in one place in the event of a legal challenge. As Gwilym mentioned in the call it can be hard to know what’s relevant prior to the challenge happening.

  • Indexing - Related to the above, there needs to be some consideration about how document manager is structured to allow this to be easily navigated. It might be the case that tags aren’t enough for this to be easily used.

  • Indexing - Further down the line, how will files be archived?

  • Functionality - Our teams have echoed concerns about permission rights in TIS across regions.

Stuart Morris (London & KSS)
Feedback in attached document