Accent Leave Manager - Reporting Requirements

Accent Leave Manager - Reporting Requirements


This page documents details of standard reports, based on study leave data in NDW, that could be commonly generated for all regions.

Currently East Midlands region use the accent leave manager and generate their own reports based on archived intrepid leave manager data, Accent leave manager from NDW and TIS. This is an Excel based dashboard

South region also generate some reports on an adhoc basis using the NDW.

Challenges to get standard reports for all regions

  1. The way costs are calculated is different in the 2 regions that use accent leave manager

2. Different methods of approval of study leave

3. Only 2 regions were initially using this. Currently most regions apart from London regions use the absent leave manager.

4. NHS trusts need to engage in consistent reporting


Working Group

@Andrew Petherbridge (Unlicensed) , @Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed) , @Andy Horton (Unlicensed) @Ade.Olaiya @Kavitha.Shankar @James Harris


Reporting Requirements


Report Name/Summary

Detailed Description

Report Type - Dynamic
or Static

Priority (L/M/H)

Target Users/ Audience/ Nations

Aggregate/ Row-level data

Columns to be included

Filters/ Sortable by



Expenses associated with Study leave application -  Requested and/or Paid

Total cost of any study leave application with breakdown of

  1. type of cost -Course fee, Travel, Subsistence, Accommodation) need to look at any other type of expenses

  2. Month/Quarter/Year in which monies were requested /paid

  3. Trusts/ sites involved with the study 




Internal - Local HEE offices, Regions, Finance, Senior management
External - Trusts, Funding bodies

Mostly Aggregate data
Row-level data may be required for Local HEE admin teams for different purposes





Spend on protected characteristics

Total cost of study leave applications made wrt protected characteristics



Internal - Local HEE offices, Regions, Finance, Senior management
External - Trusts, Funding bodies

Mostly Aggregate data
Row-level data may be required for Local HEE admin teams for different purposes





Pending Approvals

For each region / Trust
Number of study leave application that are pending and at which stage ( in the approval chain) are the applications pending



Internal - Local HEE offices admin team
External - Trusts / Sites which have approvers

Row-level data





Length of Approval

Average days for approval of a request per programme / Trust / Region



Internal - HEE local office, Finance teams
External Trusts

Aggregate Data





Rejected Applications

Number of rejected applications by programme / Region / Specialty etc.
A separate report with numbers are needed to see that all trainees are having equal opportunities for study leave / attending courses



Internal - Local HEE Admin team, Senior management

Aggregate Data. Row level data may be needed to further investigation where required





Reasons for rejection of applications

Reasons why study leave applications were rejected. By programme / region / Specialty



Internal - Local HEE Admin team, Senior management

Aggregate Data. Row level data may be needed to further investigation where required





Approver's list

List of Approvers in the Approval chain - Names / role/ trust. These could be changing as people move from one role/trust to another. This list required maintaining
Each programme / region has a different approval chain and these have to be maintained




Internal & External

Row-level data





Entitlement of Study leave

Number of days a doctor-in-training(DiT) can take study leave. Maintained as some DiT are not full time.
Need to explore if Entitlement has to be fixed in terms of spend too?
Not all regions have a fixed entitlement - needs further investigation




Internal - Local HEE offices 

Row-level data





List of approved courses

List of approved courses for every programme / specialty.
This is required so that courses on these lists can be automatically approved, work load on TPM will be reduced




Internal - Local HEE Offices
External - Trusts

Row-level data



Challenge - Trusts do not want trainees to feel restricted to approved list so don’t want to maintain this. A work around could be calling these popular courses

Issues with certain fields used in the reports above

Report that would be affected

Database in NDW




Expenses for Study leave




East Midlands use this field for applications submitted post 25-Sep-2021 to determine the amount paid to the trust towards a particular leave application. All data from Intrepid (old system) was transferred over to NDW on this date .  East midlands drive the behaviour of trusts to complete the data record with claimed amount and date using this field
South region do not use this field, so expense calculation are approximate

Expenses for Study leave




This field was used in the intrepid system and uptill 25-Sep-2021, IT is not currently in use. 

Expenses for Study leave




This is the field where the cost estimated by the trainee is added. This may be the same as the claimed cost or may be different. 

Expenses for Study leave




This is the cost that has been approved and paid to the trainee for the particular leave application. This may be different from [Estimated Cost].

Expenses for Study leave




This is mainly 4 types - Accommodation, Fees, Subsistence, Travel

Expenses for Study leave



[Expense Authorisation Status]

This status is for authorised amount that is to be added to Claimed field. Only Est midlands use this field to drive process of claims paid to Trust

Dataset - List of Fields in NDW Accent.DataRepository

@Kavitha.Shankar Could you extract this into a confluence table and an additional column for comments please?


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