Dealing with Sentry error message

Dealing with Sentry error message

The following steps were walked through by @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly to deal with a Sentry error appeared on 2 July 2022. The error message was

The steps:

  1. Click on the error link and go to the sentry dashboard and find the correlationId(s).

2. Go to metabase and find the corresponding ESR schema. In this case ESRAudit - Auditmessage and filter the records by the correlationIds. (Please note that this searching should be done only in one computer at a time)


3. Also check the rabbit MQ in esr.dlq.all messages if that correlationIds are present


4. In another tab of the browser open metabse again and filter the Generatedapprecord schema by the trainee id . Check in ESR exporter if that particular trainee is exported.




5. Then you can resolve the sentry error message.


Please note this document is not solution for all error messages but we can follow similar process to investigate any ESR sentry errors.